陳修園醫學全書 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
ISBN-13 書號:9780130929167
Author 作者:Salaberry, Rafael
齣版社:Prentice Hall Pearson Education
Publication Date 齣版日期:2004-01-14
Shipping Weight 商品重量:0.821kg
Shipping Weight Language 語種:ENG
pages 頁數:379
Paralleling the organization of the main text, the Student Activities Manual provides meaningful practice and review for students outside of class. This manual offers additional practice of each chapter's vocabulary and grammatical structures through form-based exercises including sentence-building activities, completion exercises, fill-ins, and realia-based activities. Reading and writing skills are developed in a series of interesting and personalized activities while speaking and listening skills are developed through the audio activities. In addition, the Manual includes video activities for the Las impresiones de Guadalupe video.
陳修園作為清代醫學集大成中 其書很有學習必要 這本山西科技齣版社印刷質量很好 非常滿意 價格實在 在此強烈推薦一下
評分陳修園作為清代醫學集大成中 其書很有學習必要 這本山西科技齣版社印刷質量很好 非常滿意 價格實在 在此強烈推薦一下
評分陳修園作為清代醫學集大成中 其書很有學習必要 這本山西科技齣版社印刷質量很好 非常滿意 價格實在 在此強烈推薦一下
評分陳修園作為清代醫學集大成中 其書很有學習必要 這本山西科技齣版社印刷質量很好 非常滿意 價格實在 在此強烈推薦一下
陳修園醫學全書 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載