2010年是著名数学家华罗庚先生诞辰100周年。值此机会,我们编辑出版《华罗庚文集》,作为对他的美好纪念。 华罗庚先生是他那个时代的国际领袖数学家之一,也是中国现代数学的主要奠基人和领导者。无论是在和平建设时期,还是在政治动荡甚至是战争年代,他都抱定了为国家和人民服务的宗旨,为中国数学的发展倾注了毕生精力,受到了中国人民的广泛尊敬。《华罗庚文集:代数卷2》为我们留下了丰富的精神遗产,包括大量的学术著作和研究论文。
Algebra and geometry
Geometries of matrices. I. Generalizations of von Staudt's theorem
Geometries of matrices. Ii. Arithmetical construction
Orthogonal classification of Hermitian matrices
Geometries of matrices. II. Study of involutions in the geometry of symmetric matrices
Geometries of matrices. IIl. Fundamental theorems in the geometries of symmetric matrices
Some “Anzahl” theorems for groups of prime power orders
On the automorphisms of the symplectic group over any field
On the existence of solutions of certatin equations in a finite field
Characters over certain types of rings with applications to the theory of equations in a finite field
On the automorphisms of a sfield
On the number of solutions of some trinomial equations in a finite field
On the nature of the solutions of certain equations in a finite field
Some properties of a sfield
On the generators of the symplectic modular group
Geometry of symmetric matrices over any field with characteristic other than two
On the multiplicative group of a field
A theorem on matrices over a sfield and its applications
Supplement to the paper of Dieudonné on the automorphisms of classical groups
Automorphisms of the unimodular group
Automorphisms of the projective unimodular group
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