Product Details 基本信息
ISBN-13 书号:9781119167969
Author 作者:Dan Steinman
Publication Date 出版日期:20160219
Shipping Weight 商品重量:0.43kg
Shipping Weight Language 语种:英语
pages 页数:256
Book Contents 内容简介
Customer Success will become the authoritative book of the emerging Customer Success industry and target any business that is trying to focus or re focus on customers and will be applicable to all customer management roles such as Account Manager Customer Advocacy Client Relationship Manager and Customer Success Manager along with the leadership of those organizations Customer Success will address the pains of how to start creating a customer centric company and how to think strategically about Customer Success how to organize compensate find a leader measure etc ? ?Customer Success has exploded as one of the hottest B2B movements since the advent of the subscription business model ?
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