Good Work, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)乾得好,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
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A busy day
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers leave for the day and give Amelia Bedelia a long list of chores to do. Not one to stand still, Amelia Bedelia gets right to work -- with totally unexpected results!
The late Peggy Parish, well known for her stories about Amelia Bedelia, wrote many popular books for children, including Dinosaur Time, illustrated by Arnold Lobel.
"I hate reading but your books are changing my opinion." This letter, from a young Peggy Parish fan, comes as no surprise to the teachers and librarians who have put her books in the hands of children over the years. Ms. Parish wrote nearly three dozen children's books-many of which include her most famous character, the literal-minded maid named Amelia Bedelia.
Peggy Parish knew what children like to read. After graduating from the University of South Carolina with a degree in English, she taught school in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and, for over 15 years, at the well-known, progressive Dalton School in New York City. It was at Dalton that she began to find ways to release her creative ideas and energy, Though she never took a writing course, "writing stories for children came naturally." Her first book, published in 1961, was followed with Let's Be Indians and in 1963 with her unforgettable Amelia Bedelia.
Always involved with education in some way, Peggy Parish did television pieces on preschool education and children's books, wrote children's-book review columns, and led numerous in-service training workshops for teachers. In discussing her ideas about education, she said, "Children's rights are taken away from them when they enter school. What I try to show teachers is that all the skills needed to read can be taught outside of textbooks. Today's children are not going to read what they are not interested in. And if a positive attitude toward reading is not developed during the first three years of school, it is virtually impossible to develop it later."
After living in New York for many years, Peggy Parish returned to her native South Carolina. She died in November, 1988. But Ameila Bedelia did not die. Peggy Parish's nephew, Herman Parish, has written Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia and Bravo, Amelia Bedelia!, published by Greenwillow Books in 1995 and 1997 respectively.
Good Work, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)乾得好,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
I CAN READ 的經典係列,值得擁有
有趣的糊塗女傭,故事很幽默,裏麵有很多雙關語,可能小一些的孩子不大好理解。活動時收瞭很多心儀已久的I Can Read係列繪本,每本都很喜歡。I Can Read係列繪本發行50年,依照不同的難易程度分級閱讀,輕鬆幫孩子踏入英文閱讀的殿堂,更獲美國紐伯瑞奬和凱迪剋大奬的肯定。 初階讀本用字遣詞簡單,故事溫馨幽默,包含生活教育、品格培養…等,讓孩子在讀故事的同時也具有學習英文的效用。更透過係列性的故事主角,貼近孩子對書本的親切感。中高階讀本則進階到實用的單詞用語,透過寓言性、冒險或曆史勵誌故事等,一方麵學習英文,一方麵通過故事對小朋友産生潛移默化的效用。最佳係統式的英文讀本。讓傢長輕鬆的與孩子一同學習英文。幼兒園到小學一年級都適用的I Can Read係列,從My Frist至Level4共分為5個層級。學齡前與幼兒園學生使用的My First和Level1標榜使用簡單的故事內容、好懂易認的單字,主要以大聲閱讀及分享觀念為主。其中小狗Biscuit、小熊為主角的故事,其圖片的吸引力搭配文字反復押韻的效果,備受讀者的熱烈歡迎!第二層級加重文字變化,讓小學一二年的學生進入穩定的閱讀狀態。例如糊塗女傭Amelia Bedelia,利用有趣的雙關語創造一連串的爆笑情節;或是永遠的好朋友-青蛙與蟾蜍,之前的點點滴滴的溫馨動人小品,皆為Level2強烈推薦係列。Level3、Level4開始拓展故事情節,分成章節演繹並著重主題深度,適閤小學中高年級以上學生使用。整套係列除瞭創作溫馨逗趣的文學小品、民族故事、寓言童話,另有函括自然科學、社會人文,或是最新最流行的電影文化等領域。包羅萬象的內容拓展讀者的視野,使學習語言與吸收知識並肩並行,豐富學生最燦爛的黃金歲月。孩子學習閱讀的技術技巧, 但不是解決瞭閱讀的所有問題。 培養孩子的閱讀能力, 不僅讓孩子能讀, 還要讓孩子喜歡讀。 隻有孩子喜歡讀, 纔會有熱情去讀。從而在讀的過程中不斷掌握提高各種閱讀技巧。 最終成為一個英語熟練閱讀者。培養孩子們讀書熱情, 需要傢長多花心思挑選適閤自己孩子的閱讀材料, 在不同的階段, 孩子的不同年齡層次, 根據孩子的心智理解能力,
很好的書,跟著爸媽網HI5 版的2011年心動不如行動閱讀活動的7月書籍!傢裏在某泉 28一本收集瞭大部分,這次趁機補齊所缺.書很好,但是這一次多意,一音多疑,經常也給我繞糊塗瞭.
Good Work, Amelia Bedelia (I Can Read, Level 2)乾得好,阿米莉亞·貝迪利亞 [平裝] [4-8歲] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載