納米電子學基礎 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
圖書基本信息 | |
圖書名稱 | 納米電子學基礎 |
作者 | 〔美〕George W.Hanson |
定價 | 80.00元 |
齣版社 | 科學齣版社 |
ISBN | 9787030343826 |
齣版日期 | 2012-06-01 |
字數 | |
頁碼 | |
版次 | 1 |
裝幀 | 平裝 |
開本 | 16開 |
商品重量 | 0.640Kg |
內容簡介 | |
納米電子學基礎分三個部分,分彆在納米物理學、單電子效應和多電子效應方麵進行介紹,內容豐富、論述詳實。書中有很多實驗結果用來支持文中描述的物理概念,這使讀者能夠看到概念的真實性以及在實際技術中的重要應用,還有大量的章末問題能加強讀者解決問題的能力。納米電子學基礎是本真正適用於大學工程和應用科學學生的納米電子學教科書。 |
作者簡介 | |
目錄 | |
PREFACE PHOTO CREDITS PART Ⅰ FUNDAMNTALS OF NANOSCOPIC PHYSICS 1 INTRODUCTION TO NANOELECTRONICS 1.1 The'Top-Down'Approach 1.1.1 Lithography 1.2 The 'Bottom-Up'Approach 1.3 Why Nanoelectronics 1.4 Nanotechnology Potential 1.5 Main Points 1.6 Problems 2 CLASSICAL PARTICLES,CLASSICAL WAVES,AND QUANTUM PARTICLES 2.1 Comparison of Classical and Quantum Systems 2.2 Origins of Qnantum Mechanics 2.3 Lighl as Wave,Light as a Partic1e 2.3.1 Light as a Particle,or Perhaps a Wave-The Early Years 2.3.2 A Little Later-Light as a Wave 2.3.3 Finally,Light as Quantum Particle 2.4 Electrons as Particles.Electrons as Waves 2.4.1 Electrons as Particles-The Early Years 2.4.2 A Little Later-Electrons(and Everything Else)as Quantum Particles 2.4.3 Further Development of Quantum Mechanics 2.5 Wavepacket and Uncertainty 2.6 Main Points 2.7 Problems 3 QUANTUM MECHANIS OF ELECTRONS 3.1 General Postu1ates of Quantum Mechanics 3.1.1 Operators 3.1.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions 3.1.3 Hermitian Operators 3.1.4 Operators for Quantum Mechanics 3.1.5 Measurement Probability 3.2 Time-Independent Schrdinger's Equation 3.2.1 Boundary Conditions on the Wavefunction 3.3 Analogies Between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Electromagics 3.4 Probabilistic Current Density 3.5 Multiple Particle Systems 3.6 Spin and AnguIar Momentum 3.7 Main Points 3.8 Problems 4 FREE AND CONFINED ELECTRONS 4.1 Free E1ectrons 4.1.1 One-Dimensional Space 4.1.2 Three-Dimensional Space 4.2 The Free Electron Gas Theory of Metals 4.3 Electrons Confined to a Bounded Region of Space and Quantum Numbers 4.3.1 One-Dimensional Space 4.3.2 Three-Dimensional Space 4.3.3 Periodic Boundary Conditions 4.4 Fermi Level and Chenmical Potential 4.5 Partially Confined E1ectronsFinite Potential Wells 4.5.1 Finite Rectangular well 4.5.2 Parabolic WellHarmonic Oscillator 4.5.3 Triangular Well 4.6 Electrons Confined to AtomsThe Hydrogen Atom and the Periodic Table 4.6.1 The Hydrogen Atom and Quantum Numbers 4.6.2 Beyond HydrogenMultiple Electron Atoms and the Periodic Table 4.7 Quantum Dots,Wires,and Wells 4.7.1 Quantum Wells 4.7.2 Quantum Wires 4.7.3 Quantum Dots 4.8 Main Points 4.9 Problems 5 ELECTRONS SUBJECT TO A PERIODIC POTENTIAL-BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS 5.1 Crystalline Materials 5.2 Electrons in a Periodic Potential 5.3 Kronig-Penney Model of Band Structure 5.3.1 Effective Mass 5.4 Band Theory of Solids 5.4.1 Doping in Semiconductors 5.4.2 lnteracting Systems Model 5.4.3 The Effect of an Electric Field on Energy Bands 5.4.4 Bandstructures of Some Semiconductors 5.4.5 Electronic Band TransitionsInteraction of Electromagic Energy and Materials 5.5 Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes 5.5.1 Graphene 5.5.2 Carbon Nanotubes 5.6 Main Points 5.7 Problems PART Ⅱ SINGLE-ELECTRON AND FEW-ELECTRON PHENOMENA AND DEVICES 6 TUNNEL JUNCTIONS AND APPLICATIONS OF TUNNELING 6.1 Tunneling Through a Potentia1 Barrier 6.2 Potentia1 Energy Profiles for Materia1 Interfaces 6.2.1 Metal-Insulator, Metal-Semiconductor,and Metal-Insulator-Metal Junctions 6.3 Applications of Tunneling 6.3.1 Field Emission 6.3.2 Gate-Oxide Tunneling and Hot Electron Effects in MOSFETs 6.3.3 Scanning Tunneling Microscope 6.3.4 Double Barrier Tunneling and the Resonant Tunneling Diode 6.4 Main Points 6.5 Problems 7 COULOMB BLOCKADE AND THE SINGLE-ELECTRON TRANSISTOR 7.1 Coulomb Blockade 7.1.1 Coulomb Blockade in a Nanocapacitor 7.1.2 Tunnel Junctions 7.1.3 Tunnel Junctions Excited by a Current Source 7.1.4 Coulomb Blockade in a Quantum Dot Circuit 7.2 The Single-Electron Transistor 納米電子學基礎 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書 納米電子學基礎 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 用戶評價
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