Partners in Crime,首版爲:
美国:Dodd Mead, 1929
英国:Collins, 1929.09
同谋者 外文出版社 1996.01 英文版
犯罪团伙 贵州人民出版社 1998.10 冒国安 译
鴛鴦神探 臺灣遠流出版事業股份有限公司 2003.09.01 冒國安 譯
犯罪团伙 人民文学出版社 2008.06 冒国安 译
犯罪团伙 新星出版社 2017.10 林培菊 译
1.屋内精灵 (A Fairy in the Flat)
2.一壶茶 (A Pot of Tea)
刊於英国,The Sketch(1924.09.24),题为Publicity
3.粉红色珍珠案 (The Affair of the Pink Pearl)
4.粉红色珍珠案(续篇) (The Affair of the Pink Pearl (continued))
刊於英国,The Sketch(1924.10.01)
5.邪恶的陌生人历险记 (The Adventure of the Sinister Stranger)
6.邪恶的陌生人历险记(续篇) (The Adventure of the Sinister Stranger (continued))
刊於英国,The Sketch(1924.10.22)
7.小牌巧胜老K (Finessing the King)
8.披挂报纸的绅士 (The Gentleman Dressed in Newspaper)
刊於英国,The Sketch(1924.10.08),题为The Gentleman Dressed in Newspaper
9.失踪女士案 (The Case of the Missing Lady)
刊载:英国,The Sketch(1924.10.15)
10.盲人捉迷藏 (Blindman's Buff)
刊载:英国,The Sketch(1924.11.26)
11.雾中人 (The Man in the Mist)
12.雾中人(续篇) (The Man in the Mist (continued))
刊载:英国,The Sketch(1924.12.03)
13.假钞案 (The Crackler)
14.假钞案(续篇) (The Crackler (continued))
刊载:英国,The Sketch(1924.11.19),题为The Affair of the Forged Notes
15.阳光山谷之谜 (The Sunningdale Mystery)
16.阳光山谷之谜(续篇) (The Sunningdale Mystery (continued))
刊载:英国The Sketch(1924.10.29),题为The Sunninghall Mystery
17.暗藏杀机之屋 (The House of Lurking Death)
18.暗藏杀机之屋(续篇) (The House of Lurking Death (continued))
刊载:英国,The Sketch (1924.11.05)
19.无懈可击的伪证 (The Unbreakable Alibi)
刊载:英国,Holly Leaves Magazine(1928.12)
20.牧师的女儿 (The Clergyman's Daughter)
21.红屋 (The Red House)
刊载:英国,Grand Magazine(1923.12),题为The First Wish
22.大使的长统靴 (The Ambassador's Boots)
刊载:英国,The Sketch(1924.11.12),题为The Matter of the Ambassador's Boots
23.代号十六的人 (The Man Who Was No.16)
刊载:英国,The Sketch(1924.12.10)
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