Decisive Moments in History pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
Stefan Zweig was born in Vienna in 1881. During his literary career he produced poetry, dramas, and narrative prose, but achieved his greatest acclaim as the writer of lively biographies of cultural and creative personalities in European history and literature, as well as essays and significant reminiscences about life and culture in the Austrian monarchy. He committed suicide in Brazil in 1942.
The factors that dictate and change the course of history are primarily the product of the contributions made by individual lives to the broad pattern of mortal existence. In his collection of "history miniatures", Stefan Zweig celebrates the monumental power of the spirit to discover, to create, to transcend the limits imposed by the temporal and physical environment, while at the same time underlining man's inability to escape from the realities in a single night, a love affair between a seventy-four-year-old poet and a nineteen-year-old girl, and a man who legally owned much of the state of California, only to have it taken from him because the government would not defend his rights.
取名《人类群星闪耀时》可以说相当不厚道了,前一多半的主角是冷酷无情的殖民探险家,杀人如麻的东方征服者,还是decisive moments恰如其分。当然勇士们还是值得大书特书的,不过这种激情澎湃的文章看多了还是太容易审美疲劳。
评分 评分##(?)
评分 评分取名《人类群星闪耀时》可以说相当不厚道了,前一多半的主角是冷酷无情的殖民探险家,杀人如麻的东方征服者,还是decisive moments恰如其分。当然勇士们还是值得大书特书的,不过这种激情澎湃的文章看多了还是太容易审美疲劳。
评分 评分##懒得写很长,挑重点:1)真的适合朗读出来;2)学会了很多新单词,比如,pious,audacious...;3)对陀思妥耶夫斯基和托尔斯泰是真爱,作为文学家的创作力大爆发!
Decisive Moments in History pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载