Python Crash Course pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
Eric Matthes is a high school science and math teacher living in Alaska where he teaches Introduction to Python. He has been writing programs since he was five years old.
Python Crash Course is a fast-paced, thorough introduction to Python that will have you writing programs, solving problems, and making things that work in no time.
In the first half of the book, you’ll learn about basic programming concepts, such as lists, dictionaries, classes, and loops, and practice writing clean and readable code with exercises for each topic. You’ll also learn how to make your programs interactive and how to test your code safely before adding it to a project. In the second half of the book, you’ll put your new knowledge into practice with three substantial projects: a Space Invaders–inspired arcade game, data visualizations with Python’s super-handy libraries, and a simple web app you can deploy online.
As you work through Python Crash Course you’ll learn how to:
–Use powerful Python libraries and tools, including matplotlib, NumPy, and Pygal
–Make 2D games that respond to keypresses and mouse clicks, and that grow more difficult as the game progresses
–Work with data to generate interactive visualizations
–Create and customize Web apps and deploy them safely online
–Deal with mistakes and errors so you can solve your own programming problems
If you’ve been thinking seriously about digging into programming, Python Crash Course will get you up to speed and have you writing real programs fast. Why wait any longer? Start your engines and code!
Uses Python 2 and 3
评分The following is a summary of specific changes that have been made in the second edition: In Chapter 1, the instructions for installing Python have been simplified for users of all major operating systems. I now recommend the text editor Sublime Text, which...
评分##该书已经出第二版了,作者github上有第二版的源码,2018年新写的。中文版本16年出版,作者成书,从github源码来看,是14年-15年间写下的。 书里的内容距离现在已经好几年了,里面用的库基本都更新了,python也到3.8了都。 中文书挺薄的,才两百多页,这是促使我读这本书的重要...
评分 评分##我曾在大学里学过C语言选修课,不过那已经是差不多二十年前了。研发曾是我大学毕业时心目中的理想岗位,但结果阴差阳错去了其他岗位,之后就再也没碰过编程。 前段时间心血来潮,报了一个0基础学Python的在线课程。嗯,果然零基础也能上手?然后觉得边讲故事边学编程的方式,有...
评分##确实很适合入门,基础知识讲得通透,还有附录的Cheat Sheets 供参考。实战内容分别讲了Pygame,matplot,Django. 这是我在知乎问题“编程零基础应当如何开始学习 Python ?”下的回答,给各位参考 作为刚刚自学两周写出了一个爬虫,0编程经验,文科生产品经理,我觉得我最有资格回答这个问题哈哈~ 刚决定自学 python 的时候,这个帖子的所有回答都看过,上面提到的书基本都研究过,但并没有...
评分 评分##错误更正见:https://ehmatthes.github.io/pcc/updates.html
Python Crash Course pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载