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Matt Haig was born in Sheffield, England in1975. He writes books for both adults and children, often blending the worlds of domestic reality and outright fantasy, with a quirky twist. His bestselling novels are translated into 28 languages. The Guardian has described his writing as 'delightfully weird' and the New York Times has called him 'a novelist of great talent' whose writing is 'funny, riveting and heartbreaking'.
His novels for adults are The Last Family in England, narrated by a labrador and optioned for film by Brad Pitt; The Dead Fathers Club (2006), an update of Hamlet featuring an 11-year-old boy; The Possession of Mr Cave (2008), about a man obsessed with his daughter's safety, and The Radleys (2010) which won Channel 4's TV Book Club public vote and was shortlisted for a Galaxy National Book Award (UK). The film rights to all his adult novels have been sold. His next adult novel is The Humans (2013).
His multi-award winning popular first novel for children, Shadow Forest, was published in 2007 and its sequel, The Runaway Troll, in 2009. His most recent children's novel is To Be A Cat (2012).
From Matt Haig's Twitter: 'It is about a library between life and death where a woman gets to try all her other lives she could have lived. It will be out next September if I actually finish it.
Nora feels swamped by all the bad choices she has made in life and attempts to take her own life. Then, when given the chance to see all the ways her life could have been different, she must finally work out the answer to the ultimate question: what is the best way to live?.'
##小红书博士热推。用奇幻的手笔写出了人生种种的困惑无奈绝望但又满怀希望,一心去寻死的人是忘掉了自己对生活的热爱,自以为陷入万劫不复的深渊其实可能只是一个及膝的游泳池,自己拉自己一把,便会活过来的。人不一定要时时刻刻坚强,但一定要记得和自己和解啊,自己放过自己,才会找到出路。别人可能不了解你不要紧,你一定要了解你自己,你一定不是孤独的,一切都会过去。身边有个朋友说:自杀的人本身就是矫情的。我听到的时候相当震惊。这是多么自私自大自命不凡的人才能说出的话,同理心的缺失也是一种心理残疾吧。即使不能够做到 put yourself into other people's shoes,不能理解也没关系,起码的尊重和谅解至少可以做到。愿一切经受磨难的人都能守得云开见月明,柳暗花明又一村。
评分 评分 评分 评分 评分##真是硬着头皮读完… 如果需要一本书来陪伴、反思那个充满混乱与孤独的2020年,"the Midnight Library"是不错的选择。 故事并不复杂:经历孤独、失业、爱宠去世等一系列失意事件后,绝望的Nora决心自杀。在生与死的交界,Nora的意识来到了一个图书馆。图书馆的每一本书都记载了她每个不同选择下衍生...
评分##非常无聊的一本书 看的发困 就当学英语看吧 逼自己看完了
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