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包郵 CFA 資格認證應考秘籍 (Ⅰ級)(2016版) 中信齣版社



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適讀人群 :CFA一級考生

·一枝獨秀:國內目前無其他相關CFA考試Secret Sauce落地齣版。



CFA,Chartered Financial Analyst (特許金融分析師),是全球投資業尤為嚴格與含金量很高的資格認證,在投資金融界被譽為“金領階層”,在西方一直被視做進軍華爾街的“入場券”。

Kaplan被公認為金融領域中全球有實力的內容和培訓提供商。CFA·資格認證應考秘籍(Kaplan Schweser CFA· Secret Sauce)(Ⅰ級)(2016版),根據2016年CFA協會齣版的官方教材和全新考綱編寫;緊扣CFA考試知識重點,深度提煉精華例題,形成絕密備考秘籍;目前全球的CFA考生都選擇kaplan齣版的Secret Sauce備考秘籍。


Kaplan,隸屬Graham Holdings——紐交所上市的多元化教育和傳媒公司,年收入約40億美金——Kaplan教育集團下設高等教育、測試準備和專業教育等業務闆塊,每年為120萬名學生提供服務,業務遍布世界30多個國傢,是提供終身教育的大型國際教育集團。

作為世界知名的備考服務商, Kaplan提供超過90種標準考試輔導服務,每年為超過400000名學生、個人或企業提供專業的考試培訓。

在金融領域, Kaplan被公認為全球有實力的內容和培訓提供商。


Level I Schweser’s Secret Sauce ·


Ethical and Professional Standards: SS 1

Quantitative Methods: SS 2&3

Economics: SS 4,5, &6

Financial Reporting and Analysis: SS 7, 8, 9, &10

Corporate Finance: SS 11

Portfolio Management: SS 12

Securities Markets and Equity Investments: SS 13&14

Fixed Income: SS 15&16

Derivatives: SS 17

Alternative Investments: SS 18

Essential Exam Strategies



Ethical and Professional Standards

Study Session 1

Weight on Exam 15%

SchweserNotes· Reference Book 1, Pages 1–52

Ethics is 15% of the Level I examination and is extremely important to your overall success (remember, you can fail a topic area and still pass the exam, but we wouldn’t recommend failing Ethics). Ethics can be tricky, and small details can be important on some ethics questions. Be prepared.

In addition to starting early, study the ethics material more than once. Ethics is one of the keys to passing the exam.

Standards of Practice Handbook

Cross-Reference to CFA Institute Assigned Readings #1 & 2

We recommend you read the original Standards of Practice Handbook. Although we are very proud of our reviews of the ethics material, there are two reasons we recommend you read the original Standards of Practice Handbook (11th Ed., 2014). (1) You are a CFA· candidate. As such, you have pledged to abide by the CFA Institute· Standards. (2) Most of the ethics questions will likely come directly from the text and examples in the Standards of Practice Handbook. You will be much better off if you read both our summaries of the Standards and the original Handbook and all the examples presented in it.

The CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program is covered by the CFA Institute Bylaws and the Rules of Procedure for Proceedings Related to Professional Conduct. The Disciplinary Review Committee of the CFA Institute Board of Governors has overall responsibility for the Professional Conduct Program and enforcement of the Code and Standards.

CFA Institute, through the Professional Conduct staff, conducts inquiries related to professional conduct. Several circumstances can prompt such an inquiry:

Self-disclosure by members or candidates on their annual Professional Conduct Statements of involvement in civil litigation or a criminal investigation, or that the member or candidate is the subject of a written complaint.

Written complaints about a member or candidate’s professional conduct that are received by the Professional Conduct staff.

Evidence of misconduct by a member or candidate that the Professional Conduct staff received through public sources, such as a media article or broadcast.

A report by a CFA exam proctor of a possible violation during the examination.

Analysis of exam scores and materials and monitoring of websites and social media by CFA Institute.

Once an inquiry is begun, the Professional Conduct staff may request (in writing) an explanation from the subject member or candidate, and may:

Interview the subject member or candidate.

Interview the complainant or other third parties.

Collect documents and records relevant to the investigation.

The Professional Conduct staff may decide:

That no disciplinary sanctions are appropriate.

To issue a cautionary letter.

To discipline the member or candidate.

In a case where the Professional Conduct staff finds a violation has occurred and proposes a disciplinary sanction, the member or candidate may accept or reject the sanction. If the member or candidate chooses to reject the sanction, the matter will be referred to a panel of CFA Institute members for a hearing. Sanctions imposed may include condemnation by the member’s peers or suspension of the candidate’s continued participation in the CFA Program.

Code and Standards

Questions about the Code and Standards will most likely be application questions. You will be given a situation and be asked to identify whether or not a violation occurs, what the violation is, or what the appropriate course of action should be. You are not required to know the Standards by number, just by name.

One of the first Learning Outcome Statements (LOS) in the Level I curriculum is to state the six components of the Code of Ethics. Candidates should memorize the Code of Ethics.

Members of the CFA Institute [including Chartered Financial Analyst· (CFA·) charterholders] and candidates for the CFA designation (Members and Candidates) must:

Act with integrity, competence, diligence, and respect and in an ethical manner with the public, clients, prospective clients, employers, employees, colleagues in the investment profession, and other participants in the global capital markets.

Place the integrity of the investment profession and the interests of clients above 包郵 CFA 資格認證應考秘籍 (Ⅰ級)(2016版) 中信齣版社 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書

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