英文原版 Divergent Series 分歧者係列全四冊 英文原版小說 科幻反烏托邦 epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024
英文原版 Divergent Series 分歧者係列全四冊 英文原版小說 科幻反烏托邦 epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024
英文原版 Divergent Series 分歧者係列全四冊 英文原版小說 科幻反烏托邦 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
商品詳情 書名:Divergent Series分歧者係列全四冊 難度:Lexile藍思閱讀指數700 作者:Veronica Roth維羅尼卡·羅斯 齣版社名稱:HarperCollins 齣版時間:2016 語種: 英文 ISBN:9780008175504 商品尺寸:19.8 x 13 x 11.8 cm 包裝:盒裝平裝版 頁數:1824 編輯推薦 Divergent Series分歧者係列,是美國作傢Veronica Roth創作的一部反烏托邦題材的科幻小說,包括Divergent《分歧者》、Insurgent《反叛者》、Allegiant《忠誠者》和Four: A Divergent Collection《分歧者外傳》四部小說,其中前兩部作品入圍《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜100多周,圖書版權熱銷全球38個國傢和地區。根據其改編分歧者係列電影也深受觀眾歡迎。本書適閤中學及以上的科幻小說愛好者、英語學習者閱讀收藏。 推薦理由: 1.美國青春文學新星維羅尼卡?羅斯驚艷之作,節奏輕快,想象力奢華,細節精緻,不同凡響! 2.反烏托邦社題材,融入“青春”和“科幻”元素,吸引力十足,是繼《飢餓遊戲》之後又一部風靡全球的青少年反烏托邦小說; 3.用詞淺顯,通俗易懂,是一本很值得推薦的初中級英文閱讀“教材”; 4.封麵設計精美,印刷清晰、字體大小設置閤適,紙質護眼,適閤長期閱讀。 The New York Times bestselling DIVERGENT series, now available as a four-book boxed set including DIVERGENT, INSURGENT, ALLEGIANT and FOUR - A DIVERGENT COLLECTION. Praise for DIVERGENT: “The next big thing.”(Rolling Stone ) “If you like Hunger Games & Twilight, then get stoked for DIVERGENT! Trust us on this―this baby is going to blow up BIG! And if you chose to remain factionless, then you’re gonna be one lonely soul.”(PerezHilton.com ) “A taut and shiveringly exciting read! Tris is exactly the sort of unflinching and fierce heroine I love. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough.”Melissa Marr, bestselling author of Wicked Lovely “DIVERGENT is a captivating, fascinating book that kept me in constant suspense and was never short on surprises. It will be a long time before I quit thinking about this haunting vision of the future.”James Dashner, author of ‘The Maze Runner’ “Well-written and brilliantly executed, DIVERGENT is a heart-pounding debut that cannot be missed. Tris stands out in her action-packed, thrilling, and emotionally honest journey to determine who she wants to be in a society that demands she conform. It’s dystopian fiction at its best!”Kiersten White, New York Times bestselling author of PARANORMALCY 內容推薦 Divergent《分歧者》 在滿16歲那天,碧翠絲長久的疑惑終於被解開,她不屬於任何一派,她兼具無畏、無私、博學三種特質,她是一名“分歧者”。這三個字代錶不被定義、不被操控,更是動亂與革命的代名詞。為瞭生存,碧翠絲知道,自己的真實身份絕不能被揭穿。同時,她也漸漸發現在這個看似完美和諧的社會背後,好像有什麼正在摧毀這個社會,她有能力遏止這一切的發生嗎?奇幻冒險與驚奇對決後,故事的結尾齣乎眾人意料…… Sixteen-year-old Tris has been forced to make a terrible choice. In a divided society where everyone must conform, Tris does not fit. So she ventures out, alone, determined to find out where she truly belongs. Tris can trust no one in this brutal new world, but she is drawn to a boy who seems to both threaten and protect her. The hardest choice lies ahead. Insurgent《反叛者》 舊的世界被摧毀,美好的新世界仍未知。在充滿猜疑與危險的逃亡之路上,殺死朋友、失去親人的痛苦迴憶幾乎壓得碧翠絲喘不過氣。她不再確定自己想要什麼,也不在意未來世界會變成怎樣。在友好派的住所中,她感受到一股猶如毒藥般的安逸感。雖然明知不可能永遠躲避下去,但她好希望有那麼一次,讓彆人去肩負重任,因為她已經筋疲力盡,似乎再也無法擔任那個揭開陰謀、領導革命的人。她以為自己對於背叛已司空見慣,但怎麼也沒想到,與她關係很密切、感情很親近的他,竟然是一名背叛者。這是她寜可被謊言遮蔽雙眼也不願接受的真相…… Tris has survived a brutal attack on her home, but she has paid a terrible price. Wracked by grief and guilt, she becomes reckless as she struggles to accept her new future. Yet if Tris wants to uncover the truth, she must be stronger than ever … because more shocking choices and sacrifices lie ahead. Allegiant《忠誠者》 世界是一個大謊言,人們活在被篡改的曆史和人為設置的現實中,無時無刻不暴露在監視之下。五大派彆賴以生存的芝加哥城,不過是美國基因局製造的一場實驗?忠誠者誓死要恢復的派彆製度,其實不過是當局進行實驗的一條規則? 在圍欄之外的世界裏,翠絲作為基因純淨的分歧者,有機會窺知更多的秘密。而其他人所仰賴的生存基礎、價值觀、信念統統被粉碎,他們陷入對自身的懷疑不能自拔。 Everything that Tris once believed in has been broken–her family, her faction, her heart. With her past turned to dust, Tris is ready to face a future beyond the fence, in a world without limits. But Tris's new reality will test her understanding of courage, allegiance, sacrifice and love–she must summon every ounce of bravery she possesses to face the dark times ahead. Four: A Divergent Collection《分歧者外傳》 他是無私派頭領之子,卻受虐於父親;母親神秘死去,又神秘現身,一語道破五派玄機;他因怯懦而逃離,卻逃到更加需要勇氣的地方。 他是轉派者,因對父親的恐懼而逃離;他是分歧者,必須於驚險考驗中拯救自己;他是背叛者,須於萬難境地中拯救世界…… 可怕的對手,驚險的考驗,危機重重,他一再涉險,數度迷茫…… Two years before Beatrice Prior makes her choice, the sixteen-year-old son of Abnegation's faction leader does the same. Tobias's transfer to Dauntless is a chance to begin again. Newly renamed "Four" he discovers that initiation is only the beginning… Four must claim his place in Dauntless hierarchy. And his decisions will affect future initiates as well as uncover secrets that could threaten his own future and the future of the entire faction system. Two years later, Four is poised to act but the course is still unclear. The first new initiate who jumps into the net might change all that. With her, the way to righting their world might become clear. With her, it might become possible to be Tobias once again. 作者簡介 Veronica Roth維羅尼卡·羅斯,1988年8月19日齣生於紐約,美國青春文學界湧現齣一顆閃亮的新星,她22歲時創作的首部作品《分歧者》入圍《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜。此外,她還憑藉此書榮獲讀書社交網站“Goodreads”2011年度受讀者歡迎奬和2012年度青少年科幻小說奬。 Veronica Roth (born August 19, 1988) is an American novelist and short story writer known for her debut New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy, consisting of Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant; and Four: A Divergent Collection. Divergent was the recipient of the Goodreads Favorite Book of 2011 and the 2012 winner for Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction. 目錄 Divergent分歧者 Insurgent反叛者 Allegiant忠誠者 Four: A Divergent Collection分歧者外傳 在綫試讀部分章節 THERE IS ONE mirror in my house. It is behind a sliding panel in the hallway upstairs. Our faction allows me to stand in front of it on the second day of every third month, the day my mother cuts my hair. I sit on the stool and my mother stands behind me with the scissors, trimming. The strands fall on the floor in a dull, blond ring. When she finishes, she pulls my hair away from my face and twists it into a knot. I note how calm she looks and how focused she is. She is well-practiced in the art of losing herself. I can’t say the same of myself. I sneak a look at my reflection when she isn’t paying attention—not for the sake of vanity, but out of curiosity. A lot can happen to a person’s appearance in three months. In my reflection, I see a narrow face, wide, round eyes, and a long, thin nose—I still look like a little girl, though sometime in the last few months I turned sixteen. The other factions celebrate birthdays, but we don’t. It would be self-indulgent. “There,” she says when she pins the knot in place. Her eyes catch mine in the mirror. It is too late to look away, but instead of scolding me, she smiles at our reflection. I frown a little. Why doesn’t she reprimand me for staring at myself? “So today is the day,” she says. “Yes,” I reply. “Are you nervous?” I stare into my own eyes for a moment. Today is the day of the aptitude test that will show me which of the five factions I belong in. And tomorrow, at the Choosing Ceremony, I will decide on a faction; I will decide the rest of my life; I will decide to stay with my family or abandon them. 英文原版 Divergent Series 分歧者係列全四冊 英文原版小說 科幻反烏托邦 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書