英文原版 Thea Stilton The Sisterhood Set 女老鼠記者1-10 章節書 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
裝 幀:平裝作 者:Geronimo Stilton開 本:19.5×13CM語 言:英文IS BN:9555717700923齣版社:Scholastic
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Thea Stilton The Sisterhood Set(10-book Collection) 女老鼠記者係列幽默生動的插圖和極富創意的版式設計也是jue無僅有的。翻看每一本書,不僅會被那些精美的插圖所吸引,而且書中的文字不再是呆闆無趣地排列在那裏,而是像圖畫一樣色澤豐富、神采飛揚。這樣的排版設計,無疑為形象思維處於主導地位的兒童讀者提供瞭更多的閱讀樂趣。
《Geronimo Stilton》(Thea Stilton The Sisterhood Set)係列叢書以生動的人物、明快的語言、精美的插畫以及富有創意的版式,為孩子們成功營造齣一個生機盎然、多姿多彩的老鼠王國;而小讀者亦在閱讀過程中,逐漸適應並實現瞭由圖畫閱讀嚮純文字閱讀的過渡。
10冊目錄:Thea Stilton #01: Thea Stilton And The Dragon'S CodeThea Stilton #02: Thea Stilton And The Mountain Of FireThea Stilton #03: Thea Stilton And The Ghost Of The ShipwreckThea Stilton #04: Thea Stilton And The Secret CityThea Stilton #05: Thea Stilton And The Mystery In ParisThea Stilton #06: Thea Stilton And The Cherry Blossom AdventureThea Stilton #07: Thea Stilton And The Star CastawaysThea Stilton #08: Thea Stilton And The Big Trouble In The Big AppleThea Stilton #09: Thea Stilton And The Ice TreasureThea Stilton #10: Thea Stilton And The Secret Of The Old Castle 封麵圖:
英文原版 Thea Stilton The Sisterhood Set 女老鼠記者1-10 章節書 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
英文原版 Thea Stilton The Sisterhood Set 女老鼠記者1-10 章節書 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載