新一波产品浪潮专注于帮助人们改变其行为和日常生活,无论是更多的锻炼(JawboneUp)、管理财务(Hellowallet)还是组织邮件(Mailbox)。温德尔编著的《行为变化设计(影印版)》这本实用指南将为你展示如何为那些力图采取行动并达成目标的用户设计这些类型的产品。 Stephenwendel是HelloWallet的首席研究员,他将带领你一步步地把行为经济学和心理学应用到产品设计和开发的实际问题中去。 你将学习到一种简单的迭代方法来确定目标用户及其行为、构建产品和评估效果。同时你也会了解到如何创建易用的产品来帮助人们作出积极的改变。
ForewordPrefacePART I UNDERSTANDING THE HIND AND BEHAVIOR CHANGEChapter 1 How the Mind Decides What to Do NextThe Deliberative and Intuitive MindMaking Sense of the MindMost of the Time, We‘re Not Actually “Choosing” What to Do Next.Even When We “Choose,” Our Minds Save WorkThe Obvious, Simple Stuff Is Really ImportantA Map of the Decision-Making ProcessOn a NapkinChapter 2 Why We Take Certain Actions and Not OthersA Simple Model of When, and Why, We ActThe Create Action FunnelOn a NapkinChapter3 Strategies for Behavior ChangeA Decision or a Reaction: Three Strategies to Change BehaviorStrategy 1: Cheat!Strategy 2: Make or Change HabitsStrategy 3: Support the Conscious ActionA Recap of the Three StrategiesOn a NapkinPART II DISCOVERING THE RIGHT OUTCOHE, ACTION, AND ACTORChapter 4 Figuring Out What You Want to AccomplishStart with the Product VisionNail Down the Target OutcomeIdentify Additional ConstraintsGenerate a List of Possible Actions for Users to TakeOn a NapkinChapter 5 Selecting the Right Target ActionResearch Your Target UsersSelect the Ideal Target ActionDefine Success and Failure :How to Handle Very Diverse PopulationsOn a NapkinPART III DEVELOPING THE CONCEPTUAL DESIGNChapter 6 Structuring the ActionStart the Behavioral Plan.Tailor ItSimplify ItMake It “Easy”On a NapkinChapter 7 Constructing the EnvironmentTactics You Can UseIncrease MotivationCue the User to ActGenerate a Feedback LoopKnock Out the CompetitionRemove or Avoid ObstaclesUpdate the Behavioral PlanOn A NapkinChapter 8 Preparing the UserTactics You Can UseNarrate the Past to Support Future ActionAssociate with the Positive and the FamiliarEducate Your UsersHow Training Your Users Fits InUpdate the Behavioral PlanHow Behavior Change Techniques Relate to the Thoughtthe Behavior RequiresOn a NapkinPART IV DESIGNING THE INTERFACE AND IMPLEMENTING ITChapter 9 Moving from Conceptual Designs to Interface DesignsTake StockExtract the Stories or SpecsProvide Structure for Magic to OccurOn a NapkinChapter lo Reviewing and Fleshing Out the Interface DesignsLook for Big CapsLook for Tactical OpportunitiesOn a NapkinChapter 11 Turning the Designs into CodePut the Interface Design in Front of UsersBuild the ProductGo Lean If PossibleOn a NapkinPART V REFINING THE PRODUCTChapter 12 Measuring ImpactWhy Measure Impact?Where to Start: Outcomes and MetricsHow to Measure Those MetricsDetermining Impact: Running ExperimentsDetermining Impact: Unique Actions and OutcomesOther Ways to Determine ImpactWhat Happens If the Outcome Isn’t MeasurableWithin the Product?On a NapkinChapter 13 Identifying Obstacles to Behavior ChangeWatch Real People Using the ProductCheck Your DataFigure Out How to Fix the ObstaclesOn a NapkinChapter 14 Learning and Refining the ProductDetermine What Changes to ImplementMeasure the Impact of Each Major ChangeWhen Is It “Good Enough”?How to (Re-)Design for Behavior Change with anExisting ProductOn a NapkinPART VI PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICEChapter 15 Common Questions and a Start-to-Finish ExampleAn Example of the ApproachQuestions About How and Why We ActQuestions About the Mechanics of BuildingBehavior Change ProductsChapter 16 ConclusionFour LessonsThemesLooking AheadAppendix A: Glossary of TermsAppendix B: Resources to Learn MoreAppendix C: BibliographyAppendix D: EndnotesIndexAbout the Author
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