【媒體推薦】 Praise for "Smile" "I so enjoyed reading "Smile," I couldn't put it down. It's excellent!" -- Lynn Johnston, creator of "For Better or For Worse" "Raina perfectly captures the small, everyday surprises, dramas, and embarrassments that make up adolescence... A joy to read." -- Gene Yang, National Book Award Winner for "American Born Chinese" "Irresistible, funny and touching." -- "Kirkus Reviews" "It hits home partly because there is nothing else out there like it." -- "The New York Times Book Review" Praise for "Drama" * "Another dead-on look at the confusing world of middle school." -- "Publishers Weekly," starred review * "With the clear, stylish art, the strongly appealing characters and just the right pinch of drama, this book will undoubtedly make readers stand up and cheer. Brava!" -- "Kirkus Reviews," starred review * "Telgemeier is prodigiously talented at telling cheerful stories with realistic portrayals of middle-school characters." -- "Booklist," starred review * "The full-color cartoon-style illustrations are graceful, assured, and, along with the twists and turns of the plot, guarantee an entertaining and enlightening read."-- "School Library Journal," starred review