作 者:中国畜牧兽医学会小动物医学分会 组编 定 价:28 出 版 社:中国农业出版社 出版日期:2016年10月01日 页 数:94 装 帧:平装 ISBN:9787109223073 ●卷首语Foreword
●小动物临床Case Report
●Case report:Feline pseudomycetoma infection
●Gastral-intestinal adhesions:Diagnosis and treatment for dog after GDV surgery
●继续教育Continuing Education
●Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine in the world:Present and future
●Diagnosis of pancreatitis in dogs and oats
●临床研究Clinical Study
●Treatment of canine mammary gland neoplasia with a Chinese herbal supplement
●Factors associated with surgical site infections in dogs and cats
●Corona virus infection and its preventative measures in canine patient
●稀有动物Exotic Medicine
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