Just as Mrs. Mouse kisses baby mouse goodnight, he cries, “Mother, Mother, I want another!” His concerned mama rushes off to invite other mothers—Mrs. Duck, Mrs. Frog, Mrs. Pig, and Mrs. Donkey—to help put her son to bed. But baby mouse doesn’t want another mother. Will Mrs. Mouse discover what her son really wants?
A delightful comedy of errors perfect for Mother’s Day,
Mother, Mother, I Want Another has been heartwarmingly re-illustrated by acclaimed artist Jon Goodell.
Maria Polushkin Robbins is the author of several books for children as well as many award-winning cookbooks. She lives in East Hampton, NY.
"Mrs. Mouse does an excellent job bedding down her baby. There is dressing, teeth brushing, reading, and tucking in. All is going smoothly until her good night bedtime kiss. Her baby cries and demands, "I want another." This sends Mrs. Mouse into a searching frenzy as she seeks another animal parent who can bring her baby the reassurance needed. Each animal sings a special comforting lullaby, but none fill the bill. Finally the frustrated baby clarifies, "No more mothers. I want another kiss!" At this point all the mothers provide a kiss. The best kiss of all comes from his mother and it is so satisfying he asks for another. This time Mrs. Mouse confidently kisses her comforted baby good night."
--Children's Literature
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