David's mom always said no! No,no,no. No,David! is Shannon's delightfully illustrated book of all the naughty things he used to get told off for as a child. Follow David as he jumps on his bed, walks mud through the house and breaks plant pots.
大卫的妈妈总是说:“大卫,不可以!”大卫伸着舌头,站在椅子上颤颤巍巍去够糖罐;大卫一身污泥回家, 客厅的地毯上留下了一串黑脚印;大卫在浴缸里闹翻了天,水流成河;大卫光着屁股跑到了大街上……每一幅页面里都有妈妈说的话“大卫,不可以!”但是,书的精华在后面:大卫在屋子里打棒球,把花瓶打破了。这下可闯大祸了,大卫被罚坐在墙角的小圆凳上,流眼泪了。于是,妈妈对他说:“宝贝,来这里。”妈妈给了他一个温暖的拥抱,对他说:“大卫乖,我爱你。”太经典了,一个童年恶作剧的故事就收场于这样一个爱的动作。不管孩子有多调皮,可是当他伤心的时候,母亲的怀抱永远是他温情的港湾。
David Shannon is the author and illustrator of many highly praised books for children - such as Too Many Toys, Alice the Fairy, No, David!, and David Goes to School. Born in Washington, D.C., he grew up in Spokane, Washington. He graduated from the Art centre College of Design in Pasadena, California, with a fine arts degree, and then moved to New York City. His editorial illustrations have appeared in The New York Times, Time, and Rolling Stone, and his artwork has appeared on numerous book jackets. Shannon is a passionate baseball fan and softball player. He and his wife now live in Los Angeles.
Parents will be quick to jump to the conclusion that there can be nothing appealing in a tale of an ugly kid who breaks things. And certainly--from that adult perspective--there's something off-putting about the illustrations of David, with his potato head, feral eyes, and a maniacal grin that exposes ferociously pointed teeth. But 3- and 4-year-olds see things differently, and will find his relentless badness both funny and liberating. "No, David," wails the off-stage mother, as David reaches for the cookie jar. "No! No! No!" as he makes a swamp out of the bathroom. "Come back here, David!" as he runs naked down the street. Each vivid double-page illustration is devoted to a different youthful indiscretion and a different vain parental plea. Readers will be amused to know that the protagonist's name is no accident: award-winning writer-illustrator David Shannon wrote the book after discovering a similar effort that he had made, again with himself at the center of each drawing, at the age of 5. (Ages 3 to 6) --Richard Farr
No, David!大卫,不可以 英文原版 [精装] [3-8岁] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt