On the hottest day of the summer of 1934, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis sees her sister Cecilia strip off her clothes and plunge into the fountain in the garden of their country house. Watching her is Robbie Turner, her childhood friend who, like Cecilia, has recently come down from Cambridge. By the end of that day, the lives of all three will have been changed for ever. Robbie and Cecilia will have crossed a boundary they had not even imagined at its start, and will have become victims of the younger girl's imagination. Briony will have witnessed mysteries, and committed a crime for which she will spend the rest of her life trying to atone.
Ian McEwan is the author of two collections of stories and eleven previous novels, including Enduring Love, Amsterdam, for which he won the Booker Prize in 1998, Atonement and, most recently,Solar.
Atonement is Ian McEwan's ninth novel and his first since the Booker Prize-winning Amsterdam in 1998. But whereas Amsterdam was a slim, sleek piece, Atonement is a more sturdy, ambitious work, allowing McEwan more room to play, think and experiment. We meet 13-year-old Briony Tallis in the summer of 1935, as she attempts to stage a production of her new drama The Trials of Arabella to welcome home her elder, idolised brother Leon. But she soon discovers that her cousins, the glamorous Lola and the twin boys Jackson and Pierrot, aren't up to the task, and directorial ambitions are abandoned as more interesting preoccupations come onto the scene. The charlady's son Robbie Turner appears to be forcing Briony's sister Cecilia to strip in the Fountain and sends her obscene letters; Leon has brought home a dim chocolate magnate keen for a war to promote his new "Army Amo" bar; and upstairs Briony's migraine-stricken mother Emily keeps tabs on the house from her bed. Soon, secrets emerge that change the lives of everyone present... The interwar upper-middle-class setting of the book's long, masterfully sustained opening section might recall Virginia Woolf or Henry Green, but as we move forward--eventually to the turn of the 21st century--the novel's central concerns emerge, and McEwan's voice becomes clear, even personal. For at heart, Atonement is about the pleasures, pains and dangers of writing, and perhaps even more, about the challenge of controlling what readers make of your writing. McEwan shouldn't have any doubts about readers of Atonement: this is a thoughtful, provocative and at times moving book that will have readers applauding.--Alan Stewart --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Atonement is a magnificent novel, shaped and paced with awesome confidence and eloquence', Independent .'Subtle as well as powerful, adeptly encompassing comedy as well as atrocity, Atonement is a richly intricate book- A superb achievement which combines a magnificent display of the powers of the imagination with a probing exploration of them', Sunday Times .'He is this country's unrivalled literary giant...a fascinatingly strange, unique and gripping novel', Independent on Sunday
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有时候我也在怀疑孙少平倒底是不是关系一族,毕竟他的工人资格也是靠通过别人介绍的,也有虹霞的全力帮助,但是仔细一起,其实不是,这全是他自己争取来的,如果他没有那么好的人品,如果他没有那么朴实那么善良的心灵,曹书记会记得他吗?会想把女作暗许于他吗?会在有招工机会的时候急急地通知他吗?这一切都是他自己赢来的,所以不管在哪人品永远第一,一个不会做人的人同样也不能漂亮的完成工作的。这也体现了人脉的力量。) 是的.他是在社会的最底层挣扎.为了几个钱而受尽折磨.但他已不仅仅将此看作是谋生活命——职业的高贵与低贱.不能说明一个人生活的价值.恰恰相反.他现在倒很”热爱”自己的苦难.通过一段血火般的洗礼.他相信.自己历尽千辛万苦而酿造出的生活之蜜,肯定比轻而易举拿来的更有滋味——他自嘲地把自己的这种认识叫做”关于苦难的学说….. 有文化.但没有幸运地进入大学或参加工作.因此似乎没有充分的条件直接参与到目前社会发展的主潮之中.而另一方面,他们又不甘心把自己局限在狭小的生活天地里.因此他们往往带着一种悲壮的激情.在一条最为艰难的道路上进行人生的搏斗.