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Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis (LTL Architects) is a design intensive architecture firm founded in 1997 by Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki and David J. Lewis, located in New York City. LTL Architects engages a diverse range of work, from large scale academic and cultural buildings to interiors and speculative research projects.
Along with plan and elevation, section is one of the essential representational techniques of architectural design; among architects and educators, debates about a project's section are common and often intense. Until now, however, there has been no framework to describe or evaluate it. Manual of Section fills this void.
Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, and David J. Lewis have developed seven categories of section, revealed in structures ranging from simple one-story buildings to complex structures featuring stacked forms, fantastical shapes, internal holes, inclines, sheared planes, nested forms, or combinations thereof. To illustrate these categories, the authors construct sixty-three intricately detailed cross-section perspective drawings of built projects—many of the most significant structures in international architecture from the last one hundred years—based on extensive archival research. Manual of Section also includes smart and accessible essays on the history and uses of section.
##之前一直以为是本肤浅的畅销书,有机会静下心来读了才后悔自己误会了它这么久。 LTL踏踏实实地做了一本观察调研展览(见所有剖面图),又踏踏实实地写了很多观察心得的文字(见前言),最后诚挚并也自夸地献出了自己关于此类观察的实践情况(见后录)。另外,T本人,真的是很有作为教师的人格魅力啊!逻辑清晰,不喜不愠。
评分 评分##提问Paul 可不可以从剖面着手设计,paul说可以不过你要3d建模。题外话,美国人太容易执着于一件事,拿出来反复研究说,二维section 的复杂程度,figure ground 的抽象关系,对此西扎,卒姆托等的建筑体验可以啪啪打脸。
评分##看了电子版 是不是少图啊...图文对应不上还是故意让我自己一个个查.....阅读体验有点差 但内容还是不错的
评分 评分 评分 评分##看到后面觉得前面的分类好扯且并不能指导设计…它是对结果进行分析而不是研究生成的出发点…比如incline是从流线出发(古根海姆)还是塑形;不过作为操作手法的reference 图赞一下…
Manual of Section pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载