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Leta Hong Fincher is a journalist and scholar who has written for the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, Ms. Magazine, the BBC and CNN. She is the author of Leftover Women: The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China.
On the eve of International Women’s Day in 2015, the Chinese government arrested five feminist activists and jailed them for thirty-seven days. The Feminist Five became a global cause célèbre, with Hillary Clinton speaking out on their behalf and activists inundating social media with #FreetheFive messages. But the Five are only symbols of a much larger feminist movement of civil rights lawyers, labor activists, performance artists, and online warriors prompting an unprecedented awakening among China’s educated, urban women. In Betraying Big Brother, journalist and scholar Leta Hong Fincher argues that the popular, broad-based movement poses the greatest challenge to China’s authoritarian regime today.
Through interviews with the Feminist Five and other leading Chinese activists, Hong Fincher illuminates both the difficulties they face and their “joy of betraying Big Brother,” as one of the Feminist Five wrote of the defiance she felt during her detention. Tracing the rise of a new feminist consciousness now finding expression through the #MeToo movement, and describing how the Communist regime has suppressed the history of its own feminist struggles, Betraying Big Brother is a story of how the movement against patriarchy could reconfigure China and the world.
评分 评分 评分 评分 评分作者的观点是:父权是极权统治的重要手段,面对现在全世界的极权倾向,支持女权是最有效的应对手段。说实话一开始我是怀疑态度。也许作者研究女权所以把它看得过于重要?xxx肯定没有把女性看得重要到要当作重要打击对象吧?以对抗极权为目的呼吁大家支持女权是不是骗人的?但是看完书我被完全说服了。如果你和我一样对现在的新闻感到惊讶和困惑(杀妻轻判;家暴不立案;重新鼓吹男尊女卑三从四德这些以前被说是封建落后的东西;人口危机鼓励生育却仍然不允许单身女性生育;发反行骚扰贴纸的人要抓起来……等等),那么不要怀疑了,解释只有一个:比起生育什么的,更重要的是父权,因为那是极权的基石。另外书里还从历史的角度揭示了从国民党到xxx,女权都是被利用的。男革命家不太可能真的同情女权。夺取权力的时候利用女权,分配权利时轮不到女性
评分##10.6-10.7 好的地方是:梳理记录了2010年之后女权运动的几个重要人物,她们被抓,被审问,逃亡国外的经过,主要围绕15年女权5姐妹写,一直写到2018年的米兔。还包括了人权律师(主要针对女性维权的女律师)的经历,还写到劳工运动,女工维权,教育领导劳工维劝的组织;最后也写到主流流行文化中的女权。不喜欢的地方:肤浅,只是作为记录者值得尊敬,作者的分析就不用看了。ethnographic approach也有很多弊端,也不是特别能认同其中写到的一些人的说法。但总的来说,是非常有意义的一本书,那些在如此黑暗的时代,虽然被迫害,但一直坚持斗争的人们,尤其是女性们,她们真的美丽且强大!姐妹们,战斗早已经开始了!!!
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