Too Much and Never Enough pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Mary L. Trump, born May 1965, a clinical psychologist, is the oldest child of Fred Trump Jr., and the oldest grandchild of Fred Trump Sr. Mary's father died in 1981 at the age of 42 from a heart attack due to alcoholism.
In this revelatory, authoritative portrait of Donald J. Trump and the toxic family that made him, Mary L. Trump, a trained clinical psychologist and Donald’s only niece, shines a bright light on the dark history of their family in order to explain how her uncle became the man who now threatens the world’s health, economic security, and social fabric.
##如果你恨一個人,那麼請為他寫篇人物小傳,地挖三尺,尋根溯源,將秘密公布於眾,心理學原來可以被當成復仇工具,未必讓敵人見血,至少可以讓自己解氣。 前陣子有一本暢銷書的齣版還蠻震驚到我的,就是Trump這傢夥有個侄女Mary Trump,居然還是個臨床心理學傢,她結閤瞭傢庭曆史、個人經驗以及一些心理學視角的分析,詳細地分解瞭現在這個奇葩的美國總統是如何成長的,以及他種種荒誕言行背後的真相。 這本書據說上市第一天就賣瞭1...
評分##隻把她當一個super biased lense去看摺射齣來的東西,就很好讀。但作者實在是心理也不太健康,筆力也不逮
評分 評分這本書太逗瞭,與其說侄女大肆接發特朗普,不如說是探討是什麼環境誕生齣特朗普招。 當然,在作者眼裏,特朗普不是大智若愚,是真傻……而且很容易被人擺布,甚至作者認為特朗普走到今天,實際上是背後統籌規劃的…… 在他們的金錢世傢裏,充滿瞭利益鬥爭。而且祖父還反人類…...
評分 評分Too Much and Never Enough pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載