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威廉·立德威爾(William Lidwell)
主要從事以設計和工程心理學為主題的寫作、演講與谘詢工作。對跨學科的設計、組織創新方法及製度化創新尤其感興趣。另著有《解構産品設計》(Deconstructing Product Design)和《卓越管理準則》(Guidelines for Excellence in Management)。經常為熱門設計類報刊撰寫文章。目前在美國德剋薩斯州休斯敦市定居和工作。
剋裏蒂娜·霍頓(Kritina Holden)
吉爾·巴特勒(Jill Butler)
曾繪製、設計與創造的作品多到連她自己也記不清瞭。在多傢組織擔任設計師與設計顧問。2002年成立“本質創造者設計工作室”(Stuff Creators Design Studio)。曾於休斯敦大學和金武德社區大學教授設計、桌麵齣版和字體設計等課程。作為一名獲奬無數的平麵設計師,她的興趣涵蓋信息設計、用戶體驗設計、插畫和紙藝。目前在美國德剋薩斯州休斯敦市定居和工作。
Whether a marketing campaign or a museum exhibit, a video game or a complex control system, the design we see is the culmination of many concepts and practices brought together from a variety of disciplines. Because no one can be an expert on everything, designers have always had to scramble to find the information and know-how required to make a design work-until now. Universal Principles of Design is the first comprehensive, cross-disciplinary encyclopedia of design. Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, it pairs clear explanations of every design concept with visual examples of the concepts applied in practice. From the "80/20" rule to chunking, from baby-face bias to Occam's razor, and from self-similarity to storytelling, every major design concept is defined and illustrated for readers to expand their knowledge. This landmark reference will become the standard for designers, engineers, architects, and students who seek to broaden and improve their design expertise.
##?usability guideline入門寶典
評分 評分 評分##在學習信息設計的時候看到這本書,裏麵很多法則確實很有用,但是難的是轉換為自己的語言,由於翻譯等各種原因,有時候我們隻能看到譯者的個人理解,所以有時候並不是很好懂。 就像深澤直人同學的“無意識”理論,個人認為很是受到瞭《設計心理學》http://book.douban.com/subj...
評分 評分##印象最深的是中文翻譯太差, 裏麵的內容還是不錯,兩年前在龍之媒買的,斷斷續續看瞭個大概。還是很有幫助。
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