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大卫·拜恩 David Bryne
●20岁出头组建传声头像乐队,一举成为推动西方摇滚乐第三次变革的先锋 者,不仅圈粉无数,还获得业内人士的一致好评。作为传声头像的主唱和灵魂人物,拜恩一次次带领乐队乃进入未知领域,其前卫的实验性和非凡的艺术性深刻地影响了流行乐的发展。2002年,该乐队入选西方摇滚乐至高荣誉“摇滚名人堂”。《时代周刊》盛赞其为“摇滚的文艺复兴人”。
●才华横溢,涉足多个艺术领域——影视指导、电影配乐、视觉艺术等。1986年,自编自导自演音乐片《真实故事》(True Stories)。1987年,与日本音乐人坂本龙一及我国作曲家苏聪合作,为影片《末代皇帝》创作音乐,赢得了奥斯卡、金球和格莱美三大奖项的认可。2006年出版写生作品集《植物园》(Arboretum)……
●至今活跃于一线,创作不断,成就不断。2018年发行专辑《美国乌托邦》;2019年创作同名百老汇舞台剧,获得巨大成功;2020年,该剧以纪录片的形式登上银幕2021 年,拜恩获得美国在线影评人协会奖身成就奖,以及托尼奖特别奖。
How Music Works is David Byrne’s remarkable and buoyant celebration of a subject he’s spent a lifetime thinking about. He explains how profoundly music is shaped by its time and place, and how the advent of recording technology forever changed our relationship to playing, performing, and listening to music. Acting as historian and anthropologist, raconteur and social scientist, he searches for patterns—and tells us how they have affected his own work over the years with Talking Heads and his many collaborators. Touching on the joy, physics, and the business of making music, he also shows how it is inextricably linked to its cultural and physical context. His range is panoptic, taking us from La Scala to African villages, from his teenage reel-to-reel recordings to his latest work in a home music studio. How Music Works is a brainy, irresistible adventure and an impassioned argument about music’s liberating, life-affirming power.
##The talking head David talking about participation mystique. When he confesses he was diagnosed Aspergers earlier in his career, my heart sunk a bit - no wonder I clicked with his work. We are all oddballs. ?
评分 评分 评分##The talking head David talking about participation mystique. When he confesses he was diagnosed Aspergers earlier in his career, my heart sunk a bit - no wonder I clicked with his work. We are all oddballs. ?
评分##想读,对音乐背后的隐秘故事和原理有兴趣呢! 大卫.拜恩是生在英国长在美国的艺术家作为“Talking Heads”(传声头像)乐队的灵魂人物,曾被《时代周刊》盛赞为“摇滚的文艺复兴人”,他一次次带领乐队探索未知的音乐领域,深刻的影响了流行乐的发展,并入选西方摇滚乐最高荣誉...
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