谈话的艺术 The Fine Art of Small Talk 实用建议简明会话 英文版 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
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出版社: Piatkus Books
谈话的艺术 The Fine Art of Small Talk 实用建议简明会话 英文版 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025
谈话的艺术 The Fine Art of Small Talk 实用建议简明会话 英文版 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025
谈话的艺术 The Fine Art of Small Talk 实用建议简明会话 英文版 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
The Fine Art of Small Talk: How to Start a Conversation in Any Situation (英语) 平装
基本信息 出版社: Piatkus Books (2006年1月5日) 平装: 160页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 0749926740 条形码: 9780749926748 商品尺寸: 12.6 x 1.4 x 19.7 cm 商品重量: 186 g ASIN: 0749926740
内容简介 Communication expert Debra Fine reveals the techniques and strategies anyone can use to make small talk - in any situation. Do you spend an abnormal amount of time hiding in the bathroom or hanging around the buffet table at social gatherings? Does the thought of striking up a conversation with a stranger make your stomach do flip-flops? Do you sit nervously through job interviews waiting for the other person to speak? Are you nervous when it comes to networking? Then it's time you mastered The Fine Art of Small Talk. With practical advice and conversation 'cheat sheets,' The Fine Art of Small Talk will help you learn to feel more comfortable in any type of social situation, from lunch with your boss to going out on a date to a cocktail party where you don't know a soul.
The Fine Art of Small Talk teaches you how to:* Start a conversation even when you think you have nothing to say; Steady your shaky knees and dry your sweaty palms; Prevent awkward pauses and lengthy silences; Adopt listening skills that will make you a better conversationalist; Approach social functions with confidence; Feel more at ease at parties, meetings and at job interviews; TUrn every conversation into an opportunity for success
写在封面上的话 谈话决不等同于无主题对话。它能帮助你攀登公司晋升阶梯;帮助你赢得旁人的尊重;帮助你扩大商务与社交圈;帮助你提升自信程度。赫赫有名的谈话专家戴博拉·弗恩在本书中指导你:学会在各种场合、活动或场景中结识新朋友;在社交活动中保持镇定自若;避免令人尴尬的沉寂和语塞;充满热情使自己成为受欢迎的人;给人留下良好并深刻的印象……一旦掌握了谈话的艺术,你不仅能够让对方自然地融入到对话当中,而且能够让对方感受到重视与尊重。那么现在就让戴博拉·弗恩带你加入谈话专家的行列。在不久的将来你会看到社交活动、商业合同以及朋友的数量都在显著增长!《谈话的艺术》为你提供实用的建议和简明的会话一览表,因此不管是与公司老总共进午餐还是与陌生人一起参加鸡尾酒会,《谈话的艺术》可以使你轻松自如地应付各种活动。
From Publishers Weekly Would-be social butterflies will get encouragement but little inspiration from this not quite scintillating self-help primer. Fine, a conversation consultant, insists that small talk is the necessary overture to deeper communication, the key to generating business leads and dates and a pathway to a richer life in which strangers are magically transformed into acquaintances. She covers such cocktail-party conundrums as how to spot "approachable" interlocutors, how to make introductions, how to butt into an intriguing conversation, resuscitate a flagging one and bail out of a boring one, and how to resist one-uppers, know-it-alls, motormouths and other abusers of talk. Given the ingrained human reluctance to talk to strangers, will, not technique, is the real issue. Much of the book is taken up with motivational pep-talks to get readers to initiate contact (one agonizing exercise suggests "walk through the mall and just say hello to ten people as you pass them"); in a world where everyone feels at a loss for words, Fine argues, saying virtually anything makes one a "hero." Unfortunately, it doesn't necessarily make one a great conversationalist. The heart of Fine's methodology consists of long lists of icebreakers and inviting questions that she instructs readers to memorize and regurgitate as needed to jump-start and sustain conversations, and these read like rather bad small-talk-dull ("How has the internet affected your life?"), stilted ("Do you have a personal motto or creed?") and awkward ("Describe an embarrassing moment you've had."). Tongue-tied readers can benefit from her pointers and exhortation, but one hopes they will think a little harder before they speak. Copyright ? Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
From Library Journal These two books treat similar subjects, but the contrasts are significant. One covers the entire landscape of speaking, whereas the other focuses just on "small talk." The title of Speak from the Heart describes the book's very solid premise. Emmy Award-winning broadcaster and motivational speaker Adubato emphasizes the importance of being genuine as he attempts to cover every conceivable speaking situation, including public speaking, private conversations, group discussions, and listening. He guides readers in the use of eye contact, developing a conversational style, and being comfortable with their message. Despite many charming personal anecdotes and stories drawn from other sources, this book remains a heavy read. Ironically, while Adubato tells us to make a connection with our audience rather than to "cover the material," he does a much better job of covering the material than of connecting. In contrast, Fine fully engages her audience. She involves readers in the discussion and gives lists of lines people can use to start, maintain, or end a conversation. She discusses conversation topics and how to use them and also includes quizzes, throws in a poem, and scatters a few cartoons to break up the text. Originally released as an audiocassette in 1997, this work comes across much like one of her seminars on small talk. The Fine Art of Small Talk does everything that Speak from the Heart says should be done. Adubato's book is best for academic libraries or large public and business libraries. Fine's is a better choice for most public libraries, as well as business libraries. David Leonhardt, Toronto Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
USA Today, October 17, 2005 Among Fine's best tips are how to deal with these so-called conversation criminals, and how not to be one.
谈话的艺术 The Fine Art of Small Talk 实用建议简明会话 英文版 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
谈话的艺术 The Fine Art of Small Talk 实用建议简明会话 英文版 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
small talk ,a lot of skills we can learn from it
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