當代法律英語(2008年修訂) [CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE OF LAW] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Unit One Preparation for Legal Education
Unit Two The Legal Profession
Unit Three World Legal Systems
Unit Four Public Law
Unit Five Priveates of Common Law
Unit Six Basic Principles of Common Law
Unit Seven Common Law and Equity
Unit Eight The English and the American Court Systen
Unit Nine The Sources of Criminal Law
Unit Ten Crimianl Procedure
Unit Eleven Civil Procedure
Unit Twlve Nature and Classes of Contracts
Unit Thiisteen Introduction to Americal Uniform Commercial Code
Uint Fourteen Law of Torts
Unit Fifteen What is Trust?
Unit Sixteen Trademarks,Serivce Marks and Copyrights
Unit Seventeen Patents,Secret Business Information,Protection of Compurter Software and Mask Work
Unit Eighteen A Comparative Analysis of Spam Laws:the Quest for Model Law
Uunit Nineteen Law of Corporations
Unit Twenty Law of Bankruptcy
Unit Twenty-one Securities Regulation
Unit Twenty-two Employment Law
Unit Twenty-three Land law
Unit Twenty-four Administrative Law
Unit Twenty-five Sources of International Law
Unit Twenty-six The World Trade Organization(I)
Unit Twety-seven The World Trade Organization(II)
Unit Twenty-eight The World Trade Organization(III)
Unit Twenty-nine The Evolution of the Meaning of the Term Investment
Unit Thirty The OECD Guidelines for Multinatinal conflict of Laws
Unit Thirty-one Nature and Scope of the Conflict of Laws
Unit Thirty-two Internatonal Sales Transation(I)
Unit Thirty-three International Sales Transaction(II)
Unit Thirty-four Typesn and Rules of International Commercial Arbitration
Unit Thiret-five Internatonal Human Rights Law
Unit Thiret-six The Changing Balance in Autitrust Law
Unit Thirty-seven Constiutionl Law
Unit Thirty-eight The Legal Research Process
附錄1 法律詞匯英漢對照錶
附錄2 練習參考答案
A thousand years ago the only sources of law were the basic dictates of humanity and localcustoms. After the Norman Conquest of 1066 the Royal judges attempted to apply a common law tothe whole country. The law was based partly on the Norman law. They brought with them fromFrance and partly on English customs which they found to be widespread or 'general'
The creation of this common law, however, was strictly on an ad hoc basis, each problembeing settled as it arose. No one actually sat down to compile a list of the laws. How then werepeople to know what was a crime, or in the event of a dispute between citizens, what were therespective rights of each citizen? Indeed, how are they to know these things now?
The is answer two-fold.
Firstly, a small number of very old legal textbooks, compiled from the twelfth centuryonwards, have survived into the present day.
Secondly, and very much more important, there is the doctrine of judicial precedent.Stated simply, this means that in their work of settling disputes, judges are guided by thedecisions of judges in earlier similar cases. So, if a case which is to be tried today is similar to acase tried last week, its result is likely to be the same. In this way a body of legal principles hasbeen built up, which may be discovered by examining the judgments in all cases tried to date. Forthis reason ' precedent' is often referred to as ' case-law' or as stare decisis.
It is sometimes said that in reaching his decision a judge is merely declaring what the commonlaw has always been. But where a judge has to make a decision on a point of law which has neverarisen before in any court, this view seems a little unrealistic, and the judge appears actually tobe creating law——hence the expression 'judge-made law' for judicial precedent.
When a judge simply applies to the facts of one particular case a legal rule previouslyenunciated in an earlier trial, his decision is known as a declaratory precedent, because itdeclares existing law. On the other hand, if the case is unlike any previous one, so that it iswithout precedent, then the judge must make up his own mind what the common law is or shouldbe.
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當代法律英語(2008年修訂) [CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH LANGUAGE OF LAW] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載