Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles[漂亮南希:壯觀的望遠鏡] [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
適讀人群 :4歲及以上 “漂亮南希”係列是美國著名圖畫書作傢簡·奧康納的暢銷童書!更被納入美國哈珀·柯林斯知名兒童進階讀物“I can read”係列!南希是一個可愛、俏皮的女孩兒,她要最美的自己,喜歡“時髦”的語言,也會有失望、失落的時候……希希是一個聰明、個性的女孩兒,她懂得蝴蝶的知識,想要養一條俏麗的小狗,還想要給好朋友準備一個像蝴蝶一樣優雅的生日聚會……希希是一個認真、優雅的女孩兒,她攢下瞭所有的積蓄買下最絢麗的聖誕裝飾,她看到多彩的蝴蝶園迫不及待地想要與好朋友分享,她遇到挫摺時勇敢麵對……
愛再不是一句句的“鬍鬧”和“不”,愛正如春日的微風,讓陽光下的蒲公英勇敢地綻放,毫不保留,一往無前。 內容簡介
Nancy thinks that Bree's new glasses are simply spectacular. After all, they are lavender. They are glittery. And best of all, they come in a silver case. So when Bree tells Nancy all about her trip to the eye doctor, Nancy can't help but wonder if her own eyesight is perhaps getting a little blurry too. . . .
With a glossary of Fancy Nancy's Fancy Words in the back, this addition to the Fancy Nancy I Can Read series is sure to delight young readers everywhere!
Jane O'Connor is the author of more than thirty books for children, including Nina, Nina Ballerina, illustrated by DyAnne DiSalvo, and the Fancy Nancy picture book series. Ms. O'Connor lives with her family in ever-posh New York City.
Robin Preiss Glasser has illustrated such bestsellers as Super-Completely and Totally the Messiest! by Judith Viorst, Daddy's Girl by Garrison Keillor, and the Fancy Nancy picture books. She lives in Southern California with her family, puppy, and tiara collection.
Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles[漂亮南希:壯觀的望遠鏡] [平裝] [4歲及以上] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles[漂亮南希:壯觀的望遠鏡] [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載