The Oxford Picture Dictionary牛津英-汉图片词典,第二版 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
A new edition of the popular picture dictionary, available in 13 bilingual editions that meet the language needs of young adult and adult students around the world.
Content is organized within 12 thematic units, including Everyday Language, People, Housing, Food and Recreation.
Each unit starts with an Intro page (new to this edition) and ends with a story page, with single or double-page sub-topics introducing new words in a realistic visual context and easy-to-learn "chunks."
The target new vocabulary is listed and simple practice activities help students put their new words into practice.
Story pages include pre-reading questions to build previewing and predicting skills and post-reading questions and role-play activities to support critical thinking and to encourage students to use the new language they have learned.
Rich visual contexts recycle words from the unit. This structure is designed to address the needs of multilevel classrooms.
Supporting components include more guidance on this topic as well as assessing needs and lesson planning.
评分《新牛津英语词典》(The New Oxford Dictionary 0f English),首先吸引我的不是护封上罗列的各种数据,而是墨绿背景前跃出的一小块鹅黄,菱形框里总结了这部词典的本质特征,即“新牛津”(New ()xford)和“新英语”(New English),新版牛津却是从当代英语的实际出发,对意群作了爬核和整理,义项大大精简,实用性显然大增,更便利了查阅;与此同时,新版牛津的释文力求精炼,措辞力求简易。试以hub一条为例,若将新版牛津与类似规模的新版《钱伯斯词典》作一比较,前者主次两义相加一共33个英文词,其中无一生僻,而后者的释文长达63 词,且多nave,quoits之类的难词。即使对科技术语,新版牛津的编者宁可以瞀者为对象撰写明晰释文,最后加上拉丁学名、化学分子式等信息,以为识者所用。
评分不错不错 以前从来不去评价,不知道浪费多少积分,自从积分可以抵现金的时候,才知道积分的重要。后来就把这段话复制了,走到哪,复制到哪,即能赚积分,还非常省事;特别是不用认真的评论了,又健康快乐能省钱又能凑够字数,位置很好找
评分 评分还不错。挺实惠。
The Oxford Picture Dictionary牛津英-汉图片词典,第二版 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载