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An iconic figure in the history of rock and pop culture (inducted not once but twice into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame), Neil Young has written his eagerly awaited memoir: 'I felt that writing books fit me like a glove; I just started and I just kept going'. Young offers a kaleidoscopic view of his personal life and musical career, spanning his time in bands like Buffalo Springfield, Crosby, Stills & Nash and Crazy Horse; moving from the snows of Ontario through the LSD-laden boulevards of 1966 Los Angeles to the contemplative paradise of Hawaii today. Candid, witty and revealing, this book takes its place beside the classic memoirs of Bob Dylan and Keith Richards.
##每天看一點老楊的絮絮叨叨,不知不覺就一年啦!500頁68章,音樂古董車pono環保吉他衝浪傢庭戀人朋友,quote David Briggs: "Just make sure to have as much of you in the recording as you can. Stay simple." 沒有人能比老楊更讓我明白生活的樂趣和值得,等待中文版,等待下一本『老楊與古董車』,等待十二月份的live at cellar door 一、關於老楊 尼爾•揚今年69周歲瞭。 按照中國人的說法,這把年紀已經到瞭“古稀”之齡。按照中國人的活法,或已提籠架鳥、悠哉遊哉,或已含飴弄孫、天倫之樂。 即使在國際樂壇,那群如他一樣打60年代齣道的“music icon”們,青春早逝者有之,頤養天年...
評分##內容,沒有安裝時間的順序寫 而是某輛車開始 書名,英文名 Waging Heavy Peace: A Hippie Dream 《沒有硝煙的戰爭》? 嬉皮夢 Neil Young 對工作是個柯剋的人,比如,他辦演唱會,要求,前排可以有真正的歌迷,先佔位,而不是高價票賣給有大把錢,但不太熱愛他音樂的人,有時候...
評分##Old man , forever “Young” ——評《搖滾不死》 文|杜子騰 “My my, hey hey Rock and roll is here to stay It's better to burn out Than to fade away My my, hey hey. ………… Hey hey, my my Rock and roll can never die There's more to the picture Than meets th...
評分 評分 評分2015年發在《外灘畫報》紙版上的書評,現在他們已經沒有紙闆瞭。。。如有轉載,請一定注明並告知本人。你們給這本書打四星五星的,一定是真愛! ----------------------------------------------------------------- 上世紀60、70年代的搖滾老英雄,若沒有因酗酒、嗑...
評分##老去的是時間,不老的是一顆永遠有所希冀的心(《搖滾不死》Neil Young自傳·讀後感) 我認識幾位姓“Young”的音樂大咖:爵士世界裏的次中音薩剋斯演奏傢——“總統”Lester Young;1970與1980年代活躍於搖滾重金屬音樂舞颱的澳洲搖滾樂團AC/DC“Young”氏兄弟——Malcolm Y...
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