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Benedict Anderson was Aaron L. Binenkorp Professor of International Studies Emeritus at Cornell University. He was editor of the journal Indonesia and author of Java in a Time of Revolution, The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World and Imagined Communities.
An intellectual memoir by the author of the acclaimed Imagined Communities
Benedict Anderson is one of the leading historians of nationalism and Southeast Asia. His seminal book Imagined Commu-nities has changed the way we think about the reason why people live, die and kill in the name of nation-hood.
Born in China, Anderson spent his childhood in California and Ireland, was educated in England and finally found a home at Cornell University, where he immersed himself in the growing field of Southeast Asian studies. After field work in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, he was banned from Suharto’s Indonesia for disputing the legitimacy of the 1965 coup. In his memoir, he brings to life the intellectual formation of a life spent open to the world, resisting the easy comforts of imagined homes: the joys of learning languages; the importance of field work; the influence of the New Left upon global think-ing; and the satisfactions of teaching.
評分##Ben老師的傳記沒有無聊的時地綫性迴憶,滿是學術思路迴顧、反省,對學術界規範、狀況的批評。這些話題被這頭狡猾又詼諧的“粉牛”穿插起各類笑料段子予以講述,顯得輕鬆好玩又有料(一個名額給老鼠一個名額給拉康真笑死我)。年邁名盛之際還能深刻反省imagined community的思路缺陷也是難能可貴。Frogs of the world unite!
評分 評分 評分##本書不止是瞭解安德森個人生活經曆,更是瞭解二戰後美國區域研究(area studies)興起的珍貴記錄。字裏行間閃爍著智慧火花,讀來讓人欲罷不能,書中有許多字句都深深打動我,謹抄錄於下: p.11:“在長大成人的過程中,毋庸諱言我們擁有靈魂與個性,但很少睏惑於身份,身份主要...
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