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Thi Bui was born in Vietnam and immigrated to the United States as a child. She studied art and law and thought about becoming a civil rights lawyer, but became a public school teacher instead. Bui lives in Berkeley, California, with her son, her husband, and her mother. The Best We Could Do is her debut graphic novel.
An intimate and poignant graphic novel portraying one family’s journey from war-torn Vietnam from debut author Thi Bui.
This beautifully illustrated and emotional story is an evocative memoir about the search for a better future and a longing for the past. Exploring the anguish of immigration and the lasting effects that displacement has on a child and her family, Bui documents the story of her family’s daring escape after the fall of South Vietnam in the 1970s, and the difficulties they faced building new lives for themselves.
At the heart of Bui’s story is a universal struggle: While adjusting to life as a first-time mother, she ultimately discovers what it means to be a parent—the endless sacrifices, the unnoticed gestures, and the depths of unspoken love. Despite how impossible it seems to take on the simultaneous roles of both parent and child, Bui pushes through. With haunting, poetic writing and breathtaking art, she examines the strength of family, the importance of identity, and the meaning of home.
In what Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen calls “a book to break your heart and heal it,” The Best We Could Do brings to life Thi Bui’s journey of understanding, and provides inspiration to all of those who search for a better future while longing for a simpler past.
##目前读过最好的graphic novel,从成为母亲重走自己母亲的道路并切身地理解家庭的含义开始,回溯自己作为refugee的过往并试图恢复重构父母的经历,多视角叙事好评,作为图像的首尾衔接、结构、漫画与插画的混合运用也经得起推敲,言辞精妙。母亲曾经优越而极为不易的为一家人营生,父亲看起来确实废柴,年轻的时候倒也是一番智勇。更多是在说我们这群boat people的过往如何塑造了现在,关注在一个家庭的变迁史之内,对于越南美国人的集体记忆刻画不多。最后说回越南语的时刻印象最深。
评分这是我阅读的第一部图像小说 如果说多年前记忆犹新的饶平如老先生绘制的《平如美棠》未可归为此类~ 近期对移民主题小说和图像小说很感兴趣,也收藏了《我在伊朗长大》和《切尔诺贝利之春》以及俄罗斯历史的《家族往事》~ 正好仍旧忙碌碌的炎热7 月,这本没有繁多文字没有沉重...
评分 评分##被大历史裹挟的家庭史和个人史。战争就像是书里爸爸的grandmother患上的肺结核,或多或少或浅或深地在爸爸的肺上刻下阴影,战争也是棋盘对决,只是我们每个人无力渺小到甚至算不上棋盘上的一兵一卒,只能被拍打和揉捏,被塑造成现在的样子。开篇新生儿的出生,使作者开始了解并重构越战史及其父母的成长史,他们的颠沛流离、悲欢离合和挣扎求生,直至理解父母执拗的性格,并体会家庭的意义,这个时候,总在声称没有准备好的作者,才是真正地成为了一个"grown—up"。最后的最后,新生儿长成了自由独立的十岁男孩,没有战争与缺失,甚至没有父亲或母亲的影子,我想这也许就是父母struggle的理由,以及作者寻求的答案了,也没有什么比这更好的了。
评分 评分 评分 评分##越南移民家族史 个人与家庭 母女关系 纽带/在kindle上看的 一直以为就是黑白的?而且字特小贴着屏幕看完的?Kindle什么时候能调整绘本大小啊
评分The Best We Could Do pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载