Hamlet pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Hamlet's combination of violence and introspection is unusual among Shakespeare's tragedies. It is also full of curious riddles and fascinating paradoxes, making it one of his most widely discussed plays. Professor Hibbard's illuminating and original introduction explains the process by which variant texts were fused in the eighteenth century to create the most commonly used text of today. Drawing on both critical and theatrical history, he shows how this gusion makes Hamlet seem a much more 'problematic' play than it was when it originally appeared in the First Folio of 1623. The Oxford Shakespeare edition presents a radically new text, based on that First Folio, which printed Shakespeare's own revision of an earlier version. The result is a 'theatrical' and highly practical edition for students and actors alike. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
評分 評分##《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亞的四大悲劇之一,也是最其知名的悲劇作品。如果說《奧賽羅》是關於愛情的悲劇,《李二爾王》是關於親情的悲劇,《麥剋白》是關於野心的悲劇,那麼這本書則是這三者的綜閤,並且在這愛情、親情與野心的悲劇中最終體現人的性格悲劇。 哈姆雷特是文藝復興時...
評分 評分##《奧賽羅》是莎翁於1604年創作的,而《麥剋白》是1606年的作品。較前者而言,評論普遍覺得《麥剋白》更顯淒慘深刻。原因是由於麥剋白將軍的悲劇是由心理上的摺磨而産生,就肉體上的覆滅而言,精神上的摧殘更令人窒息。麥剋白將軍的悲劇結局分析其原因不同於純性格悲劇、命運悲...
評分##暴怒(Wrath)是人的原罪,是把對公義的愛護歪麯為復仇和憎恨(-- 但丁),暴怒的宣泄常常在撕裂性的悲劇中戛然而止,可是我們能夠無情苛責他們的怒火嗎?伊利亞特以阿喀琉斯的暴怒為主題,無法遏製的暴怒令他失去摯愛,哈姆雷特的悲劇則在於暴怒之中多瞭一份痛苦的內省,在看清一切之後仍無能為力的痛苦,奧菲利亞的自由被控製在僭主和權臣手中,自己卻苦於隻有亡魂為證,也隻有霍拉旭一人的堅定追隨,弑君沒有證據,隱忍則生死未知,哈姆雷特和奧菲利亞都是可憐的,被王權,父權挾持的人哪裏能夠有自我可言呢?被欲望填滿的人性又怎麼能擺脫這些束縛呢?維滕堡是自由啓濛之光,也是哈姆雷特永遠無法再迴去的地方。最後一幕讓王子搶走霍拉旭的毒酒,然後死在他的懷中,可能是莎翁在整部戲中最溫情的一筆瞭吧,畢竟他們兩個人纔是真愛。
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