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算是解答了我许久以来的困惑:Given ψ⇒φ, it might be p&q⇒p or p⇒p∨q . There's a question that always arises: how could we eliminate the possibility of the former while what we intend to say by the formula ψ⇒φ is the latter ?
评分 评分 评分 评分##译者居功至伟,原文我读了两遍都不太能读懂,看中文好点儿但也不是全懂。布兰顿理论中始终为表象留下位置,而且赋予了很重要的角色,这恐怕是让他的推论主义难以成功的根源。
评分 评分算是解答了我许久以来的困惑:Given ψ⇒φ, it might be p&q⇒p or p⇒p∨q . There's a question that always arises: how could we eliminate the possibility of the former while what we intend to say by the formula ψ⇒φ is the latter ?
评分##重评 从来没读过这么牛逼的书 不想单纯用伟大来形容
阐明理由 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载