朗文·外研社·新概念英語4(練習詳解) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



孫玉榮,杜建 著


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Lesson 1 Finding fossil man發現化石人
Lesson 2 Spare that spider不要傷害蜘蛛
Lesson 3 Matterhorn man馬特霍恩山區人
Lesson 4 Seeing hands能看見東西的手
Lesson 5 Youth青年
Lesson 6 The sporting spirit體育的精神
Lesson 7 Bats蝙蝠
Lesson 8 Trading standards貿易標準
Lesson 9 Royal espionage王室諜報活動
Lesson 10 Silicon Valley矽榖
Lesson 11 How to grow old如何安度晚年
Lesson 12 Banks and their customers銀行和顧客
Lesson 13 The search for oil探尋石油
Lesson 14 The Butterfly Effect蝴蝶效應
Lesson 15 Secrecy in industry工業中的秘密
Lesson 16 The modern city現代城市
Lesson 17 A man-made disease人為的疾病
Lesson 18 Porpoises海豚
Lesson 19 The stuff of dreams話說夢的本質
Lesson 20 Snake poison蛇毒
Lesson 21 William S.Hart and the early‘Western’film
Lesson 22 Knowledge and progress知識和進步
Lesson 23 Bird flight鳥的飛行方法
Lesson 24 Beauty美
Lesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noise 噪音的非聽覺效應
Lesson 26 The past life of the earth地球上的昔日生命
Lesson 27 The Vasa“瓦薩”號
Lesson 28 Patients and doctors病人與醫生
Lesson 29 The hovercraft氣墊船
Lesson 30 Exploring the sea-floor海底勘探


本題考查關係從句的先行詞。關係副詞為why,那麼其前的先行詞應該是選項(d)reason,解釋其事發生或存在的理由,如: I asked the reason for the decision.(我詢句做齣該英決定的原因。)選項(a)cause錶示導緻某事發生的原因,如 the cause of explosion (爆炸原因)。選項(b)effect意即“結果”、“效果”,不能與why搭配。選項(c)why不能作先行詞,又重復齣現,故為錯誤項。
[ An earthquake.]
The day was hot, unusually hot for the time of year. Myfamily and I had gone to the island for our annual holiday forthe third time in three years and. my parentsbad chosen, earlyJune because the weather was normally just right then. Wecould all swim in the sea and sunbathe, but we did not have tostay indoors for an hour or-so at midday as we would have to ifwe went to the island in July or August.
We were having breakfast outside on the patio, all inshorts, T-shirts and sandals, ready to rushaway to the beachstraight afterwards. ‘I think its going to be very hot today,’my father said, ‘so I suggest we all come back to the villa forlunch. That way, if the suns too hot to sit outside, we canhave lunch indoors.’
We all nodded agreement and began to help mother clearthe table.
1 語法、詞匯與寫作練習
1. The modern climbers attitude differs from that of the pioneer, in that the modern climber wants a route that will give him good sport, whereas the pioneer was only interested in getting to the top by the easiest route.
2. The three factors that made most Alpine villages inhospitable places were poverty, dirt and discomfort.
Chris Bonnington was the first person ever to reach the summit of the Eiger by a route that included the sheer North Face.
The chance to become well-educated is widely regarded as being the best opportunity a person can have.
Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of
Mount Everest on May 29, 1952.
Various experts have sought an explanation for the strange lights seen occasionally in the sky in Western Scotland, but so far without success.
The prisoner faced her accusers in court with confidence.
Without her engines, and drifting towards the rocky shore, theship was in an increasingly perilous situation.
How is it that one nation will delight in eating delicacies that make another nation shudder?
Using a chain-saw without proper training and protective clothing is courting disaster.
This cup is the solitary survivor of my grandmothers set of twelve.
The wool from Herdwick sheep, a hardy mountain breed, is so coarse, it is mainly used for carpet-making.
The village had once boasted a school and a small general shop, but These had disappeared when the new road was built.
Friday is invariably the busiest day of the week on the roads.
A. See text.
B. I like mountaineering because I enjoy the space, the fresh air and the exercise.
One problem with so many people taking up mountaineering is that the paths up popular mountains are becoming as wideas roads, and erosion is scarring the mountainsides.
The experience of reaching the top of a high mountain and looking at the view for miles around is one of the best sensations in the world.
1 語法、詞匯與寫作練習
1. The basic formula of the Western film is the individual in conflict with himself and with his frontier environment.
2. The arrival of politicians, bankers and businessmen bewildered and confused the men who were used to struggling for survival against the elements.
3. Western films have appealed to twentieth-century audiences because they offer an escape to a time when life, though hard, was relatively simple.
I had to make a supreme effort to stop myself from laughing.
People often wonder who the dramatist was thinking of when he devised the protagonist in his last play.
It looked as if the man had committed the crime, but he hadnt: he had been framed by two rivals who wanted him put into prison.
The two parties have been in conflict about education since the election.
Children need a happy and secure home environment if they are to develop normally.
All the mans contemporaries were beginning to retire while he was still working hard to make a living.
The womans novels are firmly rooted in her own upbringing in Ireland.
The new housing estate is now encroaching on part of the forest.
When the boy first arrived in England from Asia, he was completely bewildered by the different way of life.
The nuclear arms race caused the entire world to feel threatened by impending immolation.
A. 1. William S. Hart was greatest of all Western stars appeared only in Westerns.
2. He created basic Western film formula and devised protagonist: individual in conflict with self and environment.
3. Had experience of the old West: brought up in it. Understood conflict between individual and encroaching civilization.
4. Men in old West bewildered by politicians, bankers, etc.
5. Audiences always sympathized with Harts good-bad man as the outsider, one of the disinherited.
B. Audiences in the second decade of the twentiet century found it pleasant to escape to a time when life was hard but simple. And we still do: in a world which is still escape and look for a code to live by.
C. [Westerns.]
The Western, or cowboy film, has become a classic in the twentieth century. And although few are made today, those that are made are still popular. Why? What is it in a Western that people all over the world enjoy watching? It isnt the scenery, although that may help. Those wide open spaces, the prairies and the rocky hills always put the cowboys into perspective. It isnt the accompanying music, because it is sometimes excellent and sometimes dreadful. Nor is it the violence——and there is often a lot of violence in a Western. Quite a number of people, cowboys and Indians, goodies and baddies, are killed along the way. It must be that the Western is characterized by a simple plot and characters that are universal in their appeal. The good man (our hero, perhaps an unwilling sheriff) finds himself in conflict with the bad guy , the professional gunslinger or even a gang of them, the baddies——and although he faces tots of challenging situations (sometimes even becoming a bad guy for a while), we know he will be victorious in the end and either get the woman or ride off into the sunset with his faithful horse.


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