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劍橋法律英語 [Professional English in Use Law]

[英] 布朗,賴斯 著


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外文名稱:Professional English in Use Law

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Professional English in Use Law contains 45 units covering a wide variety of legal vocabulary, Topics include corporate and commercial law, liability, real property law, employment law, information technology, contract law, and intellectual property. The book also introduces general legal vocabulary related to legal systems and legal professions, as well as the functional language lawyers need in their daily working lives.
Primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, Professional English in Use Law can also be used for classroom work and one-to-one lessons and is suitable for upper-intermediate to advanced students(B2-C1 ). Professional English in Use Law has been developed using authentic legal contexts, texts, and documents.
45 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained in context on left-hand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages.
A focus on key legal terms expands learners vocabulary and functional language gives learners the confidence and ability to use English in a legal environment.
Over to you sections allow learners to apply the vocabulary they have learned in the unit to their own law studies and working lives.
Includes a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key and index.
Professional Enghsh in Use Law is an ideal companion for learners preparing for the new Cambridge International Legal English Certifi care (ILEC), covering key vocabulary and topics from the exam.





1 Legal systems
A The structure of the law
B The constitution
C Jurisdiction

2 Sources of law:legislation
A Background to making new law
B Early development of a Bill
C Passing an Act

3 Sources of law:common law
A Common law in the UK
B Law reports

4 The court system
A Civil courts
B Criminal courts

5 Criminal justice and criminal proceedings
A Criminal justice
B Categories of criminal offence
C Criminal court proceedings

6 Civil procedure
A Civil Procedure Rules
B Proceeding with a claim

7 Tribunals
A The status and range of tribunals
B Composition of tribunals and procedure

8 European Union law
A What is the EU?
B How does the EU impact on Member States?

9 Solicitors
A Legal practitioners
B Training
C A partner in a law firm

10 Barristers
A Organisation
B Training and qualifications of practising barristers

11 Working lives
A A company commercial lawyer
B A legal secretary

12 Judges
A Judicial appointments in England and Wales
B The training of judges
C Civil courts: sentencing and court orders

13 A law firms structure and practice
A A law firms structure and practice

14 Client care procedures
A Explaining client care procedures

15 Money laundering procedures
A Money laundering procedures

16 Client correspondence
A Client correspondence
B Standard phrases for starting and ending letters and emails

17 Explanations and clarification
A Explaining a procedure
B Approximating and comparing
C Rephrasing and clarifying Legalese
A Legal language
B Latin terms
C Older words and modem equivalents LAW IN PRACTICE

19 Business organisations
A Sole trader
B Partnerships
C Limited Companies

20 Formation of a company
A Incorporation
B Memorandum and Articles of Association

21 Raising capital by share sale
A Share capital
B Share value
C Rights attaching to shares

22 Debt financing: secured lending
A Granting security
B The terms of a charge

23 Company directors and company secretaries
A Qualifications and duties of a company director
B Qualifications and duties of a company secretary

24 Insolvency and winding up
A Insolvency
B Insolvency scenarios

25 Alternative dispute resolution
A Alternative dispute resolution
B ADR procedures

26 Corporation Tax
A Corporation Tax liability in the UK
B Word combinations with tax

27 Mergers and acquisitions
A Mergers and acquisitions
B Dealing disclosure requirements

28 Anti-competitive behaviour
A Competition law
B Competition inquiry
C Information gathering, hearings, and remedies

29 Tort 1" personal injury claim
A Tort
B Client briefing notes - personal injury claims

30 Tort 2: clinical negligence
A Clinical negligence practice

31 Forming a contract 1
A Basic principles
B Formation of a contract

32 Forming a contract 2
A Form of contract
B Void or voidable or unenforceable contracts

33 Structure of a commercial contract
A Structure of a commercial contract

34 Express and implied terms
A Express terms
B Implied terms

35 Exclusion, limitation and
standard clauses
A Exclusion and limitation clauses
B Standard clauses

36 Privity of contract,discharge, and remedies
A Privity of contract
B Discharge of contract
C Remedies for breach of contract

37 Standard terms in the sale and supply of goods
A Using standard terms
B Incorporating terms

38 Licensing agreements and computer programs
A Licences and software products
B Exclusion and limitation clauses

39 Commercial leases
A Interest in property
B Terms of a commercial lease
C Obtaining leasehold interest

40 Buying and selling commercial property
A Commercial conveyancing
B Sale by auction
C Sale by private treaty

41 Employment law
A Employment law
B Contract of employment

42 Copyright and patent
A Copyright
B Patent

43 Trade marks, domain names, and remedies for IP infringement
A Trade marks and domain names
B Remedies for IP infringement

44 Information technology law and cybercrime
A Computer security
B Cybercrime
e Data protection

45 Environmental law
A International environmental law
B National environmental law
C Application of environmental law
Answer key


Sole trader
Jamie Anderson, a partner in the commercial department of a law firm, is commenting on the choices for different trading vehicles for business.
‘A client wanting to operate a business for profit might select from a number of different trading entities. Each has different legal characteristics and is subject to different rules and regulations. The simplest and commonest form of business structure is a sole trader. This generally suits a relatively small enterprise, such as an independent software developer, a hairdresser, or a small shop. Its headed by a single individual and it differs from a company in that the ownership and management is usually vested in the same person, who is personally responsible for all the debts of the business, and may thus risk becoming bankrupt. Finances are confidential and formalities are few, aside from Value Added Tax, or VAT, regulations. Partnerships
‘A common form of structure for certain kinds of business, for example accountants, solicitors, and architects, is a partnership. This needs to have at least two members and normally a maximum of twenty. There is an exemption on size for some types of firm, such as solicitors and accountants. All the partners may be joindy and severally liable for all the debts of the business. The relationship between the partners is usually drafted in the Partnership Agreement. This can set out the duration of the partnership, its name and business, how profits, losses, and running costs are to be shared, how much capital each partner is to contribute, what rules will apply to the capital, what grounds will lead to a partner being expelled from the company, what restrictions are imposed on partners, and so on. Its also possible to have a Limited Liability Partnership, or LLP, which has a legal identity separate from its members. In this sense it resembles a limited company (see text 劍橋法律英語 [Professional English in Use Law] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書

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