國外數學名著係列(影印版)5:數值數學 [Alfio Quarteroni Riccardo Sacco Fausto Saleri:Numerical Mathematics] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
I.Getting Started
1.Foundations of Matrix Analysis
1.1 Vector Spaces
1.2 Matrices
1.3 Operations with Matrices
1.3.1 Inverse of a Matrix
1.3.2 Matrices and Linear Mappings
1.3.3 Operations with Block-Partitioned Matrices
1.4 Trace and Determinant of a Matrix
1.5 Rank and Kernel of a Matrix
1.6 Special Matrices
1.6.1 Block Diagonal Matrices
1.6.2 Trapezoidaland Triangular Matrices
1.6.3 Banded Matrices
1.7 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
1.8 Similarity Transformations
1.9 The Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
1.10 Scalar Product and Norms in Vector Spaces
1.11 Matrix Norms
1.11.1 Relation between Norms and the Spectral Radius of a Matrix
1.11.2 Sequences and Series of Matrices
1.12 Positive Definite,Diagonally Dominant and M-matrices
1.13 Exercises
2.Principles of Numerical Mathematics
2.1 Well-posedness and Condition Number of a Problem
2.2 Stability of Numerical Methods
2.2.1 Relations between Stability and Convergence
2.3 A priori and a posteriori Analysis
2.4 Sources of Error in Computational Models
2.5 Machine Representation of Numbers
2.5.1 The Positional System
2.5.2 The Floating-point Number System
2.5.3 Distribution of Floating-point Numbers
2.5.4 IEClIEEE Arithmetic
2.5.5 Rounding of a Real Number in its Machine Repre sentation
2.5.6 Machine Floating-point Operations
2.6 Exercises
II.Numerical Linear Algebra
3.Direct Methods for the Solution of Linear Systems
3.1 Stability Analysis of Linear Systems
3.1.1 The Condition Number of a Matrix
3.1.2 Forward a priori Analysis
3.1.3 Backward a priori Analysis
3.1.4 A posteriori Analysis
3.2 Solution of Triangular Systems
3.2.1 Implementation of Substitution Methods
3.2.2 Rounding Error Analysis
3.2.3 Inverse of a Triangular Matrix
3.3 The Gaussian Elimination Method (GEM) and LU Factorization
3.3.1 GEM as a Factorization Method
3.3.2 The Effect of Rounding Errors
3.3.3 Implementation of LU Factorization
3.3.4 Compact Forms of Factorization
3.4 Other Types of Factorization
3.4.1 LDMT Factorization
III.Around Functions and Functionals
IV.Transforms,Differentiation and Problem Dis-cretication
Index of MATLAB Programs
國外數學名著係列(影印版)5:數值數學 [Alfio Quarteroni Riccardo Sacco Fausto Saleri:Numerical Mathematics] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
國外數學名著係列(影印版)5:數值數學 [Alfio Quarteroni Riccardo Sacco Fausto Saleri:Numerical Mathematics] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載