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Romeo and Juliet 羅密歐與硃麗葉 [平裝]

William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亞) 著,David Bevington,David Scott Kastan,James Hammersmith,Robert Kean Turn


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齣版社: Random House
叢書名: Bantam Classics

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The magnificent, timeless drama is the world's most famous tale of " star-crossed lovers." The young, unshakable love of Juliet and Romeo defies the feud that divides their families-- the Capulets and Montagues-- as their desperate need to be together, their secret meetings, and finally their concealed marriage drive them toward tragedy. A masterwork that has long captured the hearts of audiences, this romantic tragedy has become part of the literary heritage of all peoples in all nations.


William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564, and his birth is traditionally celebrated on April 23. The facts of his life, known from surviving documents, are sparse. He was one of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a merchant of some standing in his community. William probably went to the King's New School in Stratford, but he had no university education. In November 1582, at the age of eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior, who was pregnant with their first child, Susanna. She was born on May 26, 1583. Twins, a boy, Hamnet ( who would die at age eleven), and a girl, Judith, were born in 1585. By 1592 Shakespeare had gone to London working as an actor and already known as a playwright. A rival dramatist, Robert Greene, referred to him as "an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers." Shakespeare became a principal shareholder and playwright of the successful acting troupe, the Lord Chamberlain's Men (later under James I, called the King's Men). In 1599 the Lord Chamberlain's Men built and occupied the Globe Theater in Southwark near the Thames River. Here many of Shakespeare's plays were performed by the most famous actors of his time, including Richard Burbage, Will Kempe, and Robert Armin. In addition to his 37 plays, Shakespeare had a hand in others, including Sir Thomas More and The Two Noble Kinsmen, and he wrote poems, including Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece. His 154 sonnets were published, probably without his authorization, in 1609. In 1611 or 1612 he gave up his lodgings in London and devoted more and more time to retirement in Stratford, though he continued writing such plays as The Tempest and Henry VII until about 1613. He died on April 23 1616, and was buried in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford. No collected edition of his plays was published during his life-time, but in 1623 two members of his acting company, John Heminges and Henry Condell, put together the great collection now called the First Folio.


Grade 5-8-Skillfully read by Claire Higgins, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet will hold listeners spellbound as they become involved in the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues and in Romeo and Juliet's plight of love. Higgins' reading is very natural, and her voice is exceedingly pleasant to listen to. The cassette includes a plot summary, an introduction to Shakespeare by Leon Garfield, as well as supplementary information about Shakespeare and his writings by Dr. Rex Gibson, all read by Simon Russell Beale. This additional information is very worthwhile and will increase the listener's understanding of Shakespeare and why he continues to be important in literature. Peter Hutchins arranged the period background music. The technical qualities are excellent, and the teaching objectives are met. This program is appropriate for individual or group listening, and the additional information will provide an excellent springboard for discussion. A superior acquisition for both public and school libraries with audio collections.
——Kathy Dummer, Newcastle Middle School, WY, School Library Journal


Act One


Verona. A Public Place. Enter Sampson and Gregory, armed with swords and bucklers

sampson. Gregory, o' my word, we 'll not carry coals.

gregory. No, for then we should be colliers.

sampson. I mean, an we be in choler, we 'll draw.

gregory. Ay, while you live, draw your neck out o' the collar.

sampson. I strike quickly, being moved.

gregory. But thou art not quickly moved to strike.

sampson. A dog of the house of Montague moves me.

gregory. To move is to stir, and to be valiant is to stand; therefore, if thou art moved, thou runnest away.

sampson. A dog of that house shall move me to stand: I will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague's.

gregory. That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall.

sampson. 'Tis true; and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague's men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall.

gregory. The quarrel is between our masters and us their men.

sampson. 'Tis all one, I will show myself a tyrant: when I have fought with the men, I will be cruel with the maids; I will cut off their heads.

gregory. The heads of the maids?

sampson. Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maiden-heads; take it in what sense thou wilt.

gregory. They must take it in sense that feel it.

sampson. Me they shall feel while I am able to stand; and 'tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh.

gregory. 'Tis well thou art not fish; if thou hadst, thou hadst been poor John. Draw thy tool; here comes two of the house of the Montagues.

Enter Abraham and Balthasar

sampson. My naked weapon is out; quarrel, I will back thee.

gregory. How! turn thy back and run?

sampson. Fear me not.
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我們五彩繽紛的童年,離不開書,因為“書籍是人類進步的階梯”。 一說起書,很多人都能想到它的好處。讀書可以讓你懂得瞭更多的知識;當你不開心時,就翻翻書吧!書可以讓你忘記所有的煩惱、憂愁。總之一句話,書的好處多得數不清! 在我的腦海中,總有一片無邊無際的書的海洋,無時無刻不在吸引著我的視綫,誘惑著我的靈魂,豐富著我的知識,激發著我的潛能,提高著我的內涵。在這片知識的海洋中,我茁壯成長。在我的理解中,所謂好書應該是能夠反映時代的具有豐富思想內涵、新穎的形式、風格以及精湛獨特的技術語言三者兼備的優秀作品吧。如彌爾頓所說:一本好書是一個藝術大師寶貴的血液,是超越生命之外的生命。是好書伴我一路同行。 叔本華曾說:在一切知識的領域中,人類知識的大部分都是呈現在做為人類文字記錄的紙頁和書籍中。所以我那渴求知識的心靈隻有在書的海洋中沐浴纔會得到滋潤。我在書中解讀百態社會、解讀世界風情、解讀古典文化……書是我的精神食糧,我在書中汲取著營養,沒有營養的供應,我還能在人生的道路上前進嗎? 讀好書時的意境陶冶瞭我的情操。有時人成功的靈感就産生於 良好的情操中。在細雨濛濛的午後,讀著冰心清新明麗、雋永含蓄,有行雲流水之美的散文,讓心靈在她細膩的筆下輕輕遊動,如同班得瑞的音樂在耳旁輕輕奏響;如同露珠在晨光照耀下的美麗,如同山泉悄悄地從心田流過。這種讀書的意境,是我茁壯成長的氧氣。書引起我無盡的思索,在這種思索中我快樂地成長。 好書讓我寫作文時駕輕就熟。能很多同學一提起寫作文就會頭疼,可是我卻從來沒有過這樣的體會。在不斷的閱讀中,我的頭腦中積纍瞭豐富的材料,在寫作文時,我總能按照老師的要求,寫齣令人滿意的作文。 好書能讓我調整心態,淨化靈魂。在一個人的成長歲月中,不可能永遠的一帆風順,不可能總是激情滿懷,此時,一本好書就如同一位人生導師,給我們人生之帆導航。讀一讀老捨先生的那本幽默散文,在他富有個性的語言中領略人生的樂趣;讀一讀那本《讓心靈透透氣》,在美的語境中品嘗自由。看著那些撥動人心靈的文字,親吻著文學的碧波,生活純潔的美、感人的愛展現在我麵前。在此時,我真正地體會到瞭托瑪斯·肯皮斯的那句話:“我曾四處尋找幸福,其實幸福就是一個人躲在角落裏看書。” 書,你讓我開心,讓我憂愁,和你在一起,讓我的童年生活如此的豐富多彩。你是我的良師,更是我的益友,謝謝你,一路伴我成長。











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