美国直邮 GENERIC智力玩具 卡尔卡松游戏,新版 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
美国直邮 GENERIC 卡尔卡松游戏 新版 |
Carcassonne Game, New Edition |
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法国南部的卡尔卡松市以其独特的罗马和中世纪防御工事而闻名。卡尔卡松游戏的目标是开发一个围绕老城墙的地区。随着铺砖开始,追随者被部署到田野和包括修道院在内的周边地区。较后他们探索道路和附近的城市。有了这个中世纪的棋盘游戏,你可以和你的对手一决胜负。您需要开始的一切都在包括River Expansion奖励瓦片的框中。卡尔卡松棋盘游戏是战略挑战的有趣选择。 |
The city of Carcassonne in southern France is famous for its unique Roman and medieval fortifications. The object of the Carcassone Game is to develop an area around the walls of the old city. As the tile-laying begins followers are deployed to the fields and the surrounding areas including the cloisters. Eventually they explore the roads and nearby cities. With this medieval board game your skills and those of your opponents will determine who is victorious. Everything you need to get started is in the box including the River Expansion bonus tiles. This Carcassonne board game is a fun choice for a strategic challenge. |
卡尔卡松新版: 专为2至5名玩家设计 播放时间为30分钟 聪明的瓦片游戏 玩家开发卡尔卡松周围地区 在修道院和田野中的城市路上部署追随者 玩家开发区域的技能将决定谁是胜利的 中世纪的棋盘游戏包括River Expansion(12加成瓦) 理想的家庭游戏之夜 令人兴奋的游戏策略 |
Carcassonne GameNew Edition: Designed for 2 to 5 players Play time runs 30 minutes Clever tile-laying game Players develop the area around Carcassonne Deploy followers on the roadsin the citiesin the cloisters and in the fields Skill of the players to develop the area will determine who is victorious Medieval board game includes the River Expansion (12 bonus tiles) Ideal for family game night Exciting game of strategy |
规格表: 品牌:通用 性别:中性 性格:卡尔卡松 目标对象:家庭 年龄范围:12至14岁 制造商零件编号:81006ZMG |
Specifications Brand:Generic Gender:Unisex Character:Carcassonne Target Audience:Families Age Range:12 to 14 Years Manufacturer Part Number:81006ZMG |
美国直邮 GENERIC智力玩具 卡尔卡松游戏,新版 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载