【內容簡介】:Mirror-Belle wants to sweep Ellen off on more exciting and hilarious escapades. When Ellen looks in the mirror and sees Mirror-Belle, she's shocked - Mirror Belle is her double with a difference. The duo then head off to ballet class and stay at Ellen's grandparents' house with laugh-out-loud consequences. For children who are beginning to read on their own, these spellbinding books are ideal.【作者簡介】:Julia Donaldson在正式進入童書創作領域之前,曾經長期為兒童電視節目創作歌麯。1993年,她將其中一首歌麯改編為童書《A Squashand a Squeese》,她的書包括《Sharing a Shell》,暢銷的《Ladybird Heard》和現代經典《The Gruffalo》Julia Donaldson繼Anthony Browne之後,剛獲選為英國2011-2013 Children'sLaureate。英國Children'sLaurete每兩年甄選一次,授奬給童書領域傑齣的作傢或插畫傢。Julia專職童書創作之餘,也經常訪問學校與圖書館,為小讀者說故事、並且錶演或演唱她的作品。
【6冊目錄】:Princess Mirror-BellePrincess Mirror-Belle and the Flying HorsePrincess Mirror-Belle and Prince Precious PawsPrincess Mirror-Belle nad the Party HoppersPrincess Mirror-Belle and the Magic Shoes Princess Mirror-Belle and the Sea Monster's Cave封麵圖: