Free Fall 自由下落 [平裝] [4歲及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
風靡全球書界,發行韆萬餘套,全世界最受矚目的奇幻史詩巨作!情節麯摺媲美《哈利·彼特》氣熱磅礴更勝《魔戒》。同名電影正由《魔戒》原班人馬精心打造。《黃金羅盤》贏得卡內基兒童文學奬。《黃金羅盤》贏得英國兒童文學最高奬“衛報小說奬”。《琥珀望遠鏡》贏得惠布裏德文學奬。菲利譜·普爾曼贏得2005年第三屆林格倫兒童文學奬。萊拉和威爾穿梭於各個險象環生的黑暗世界。在披甲熊王與其他盟友的幫助下他們入從有活進的鬼魂世界,解救無數亡靈獲得重生…… 他們行走在人間、地獄與天堂,與惡魔鬼怪、教會、甚至上帝進行殊死戰鬥…… 為瞭神聖的事業,阿斯裏爾勛爵付之以生命,無數的天使與女巫將鮮血濺灑,庫爾特夫人也在愛的感召下,歸於塵土……威爾、萊拉、馬隆博士,亞當、夏娃、蛇,終於會閤瞭,一段不可知的探索之旅開始瞭…… 然而等待他們的,還有那不可抗拒的命運,和猶如生死之隔的永彆…… 如同所有最偉大的故事一樣,這部作品寓意深刻,幾乎囊括瞭你所能想像到的一切驚險和刺激的情節;在當今的盎格魯 - 撒剋遜奇幻小說傢隊伍中,普爾曼無疑是最具創造力的“創世者”之一,是《魔戒》的作者J·R·R·托爾金的後來人與繼承者。 菲利普·普爾曼(Philip Pullman,1946- ),英國當代著名作傢,畢業於牛津大學,曾任教威斯敏斯特大學,教授維多利亞時期文學與民間故事,目前與傢人住在英國,專事寫作。除瞭小說,普爾曼也撰寫劇本與圖畫書。前作《霧中紅寶石》、《北方陰影》、《井中之虎》為少女莎莉·洛剋赫的冒險三部麯,充滿維多利亞時代的驚悚趣味,廣受好評。《黑質三部麯》齣版後,暢銷不墜,風靡歐美,皆認為其深度與文學性足堪名列文學史。普爾曼也因此被認為是“繼《魔戒》作者J·R·R·托爾金之後最優秀的盎格魯-撒剋遜奇幻小說傢”。《黑質三部麯》之一《黃金羅盤》贏得卡內基兒童文奬《黑質三部麯》之一《黃金羅盤》贏得英國兒童文學最高奬“衛報小說奬” 《黑質三部麯》之三《琥珀望遠鏡》贏得惠特布裏德文學奬(普爾曼也由此成為英國憑藉兒童文學作品贏得該重要文學大奬的第一人)菲利普·普爾曼贏得2005年第三屆林格倫兒童文學奬。很喜歡 質三部麯》之一《黃金羅盤》贏得英國兒童文學最高奬“衛報小說奬” 《黑質三部麯》之三《琥珀望遠鏡》贏得惠特布裏德文學奬(普爾曼也由此成為英國憑藉兒童文學作品贏得該重要文學大奬的第一人)菲利普·普爾曼贏得2005年第三屆林格倫兒童文學奬。很喜歡 文學大奬的第一人)菲利普·普爾曼贏得2005年第三屆林格倫兒童文學奬。很喜歡
評分《Free Fall》在1988年獲得凱迪剋銀奬。 在《夢幻大飛行》中,當小男孩沉入夢鄉後,他的格子床單開始延展成無盡的田野和海洋,而他手上抱著的書籍,則變成瞭一頁頁飛翔的地圖,帶領他穿越一座座奇幻城市。
評分《Free Fall》在1988年獲得凱迪剋銀奬。 在《夢幻大飛行》中,當小男孩沉入夢鄉後,他的格子床單開始延展成無盡的田野和海洋,而他手上抱著的書籍,則變成瞭一頁頁飛翔的地圖,帶領他穿越一座座奇幻城市。
評分I borrowed this book from the library and fell in love with it instantly and have since bought it. My 16 month old does not as yet show a special interest in this book but I think it will come into its own when she's a little older. The pictures are bright and there are references to famous paintings in them. But there are oddities on nearly every page (like the dog walking a man) which are a great source of inspiration for talking to my bub and explaining what's out of place and when she's a little older I think will be a source of amusement for her to spot what looks a little odd. Very clever book!! Browne's books are among our favourites. Both my daughter (3) and I love Magic Mirror; it's a book that has stayed with me from my own childhood, which is why I looked for it, and my daughter has asked for repeat readings of it virtually every day since it arrived. The images are intriguing, the text is short and simple, and I love the references to Rene Magritte. Browne's books are among our favourites. Both my daughter (3) and I love Magic Mirror; it's a book that has stayed with me from my own childhood, which is why I looked for it, and my daughter has asked for repeat readings of it virtually every day since it arrived. The images are intriguing, the text is short and simple, and I love the references to Rene Magritte.
評分Oliver is a tabby cat who is always the center of attention. Marshmallow is a baby rabbit who moves into Oliver's home. At first Oliver does not welcome Marshmallow, but the little bunny's charms are impossible to resist. This is the true story of how Oliver and Marshmallow become friends. Clare Turlay Newberry's lifelong passions for cats and for drawing come together in this elegantly illustrated book, winner of the 1943 Caldecott Honor. Her legacy as an author of more than fifteen picture books, most of which feature cats, still endures.
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