The House that Jack Built [精装] [3岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
This Rollicking rhyme tells the story of a very important house—the house that Jack built—around which wacky things happen to animals and people alike! It's a shining example of how one event can spawn a whole series of mishaps. Best of all, it's fun to read aloud!This Rollicking rhyme tells the story of a very important house—the house that Jack built—around which wacky things happen to animals and people alike! It's a shining example of how one event can spawn a whole series of mishaps. Best of all, it's fun to read aloud!This Rollicking rhyme tells the story of a very important house—the house that Jack built—around which wacky things happen to animals and people alike! It's a shining example of how one event can spawn a whole series of mishaps. Best of all, it's fun to read aloud!This Rollicking rhyme tells the story of a very important house—the house that Jack built—around which wacky things happen to animals and people alike! It's a shining example of how one event can spawn a whole series of mishaps. Best of all, it's fun to read aloud!This Rollicking rhyme tells the story of a very important house—the house that Jack built—around which wacky things happen to animals and people alike! It's a shining example of how one event can spawn a whole series of mishaps. Best of all, it's fun to read aloud!This Rollicking rhyme tells the story of a very important house—the house that Jack built—around which wacky things happen to animals and people alike! It's a shining example of how one event can spawn a whole series of mishaps. Best of all, it's fun to read aloud!This Rollicking rhyme tells the story of a very important house—the house that Jack built—around which wacky things happen to animals and people alike! It's a shining example of how one event can spawn a whole series of mishaps. Best of all, it's fun to read aloud!
评分我是来赚积分的。我是一个爱读书的孩子,往往一看到书,就会迫不及待地捧起书来看。看书成了我的习惯,不管是饭后、睡前,还是走路、上厕所,只要有一丁点儿时间,我都要见缝插针读上几页。为这,爸爸、妈妈多次批评我,说我成“书呆子”了。 阅读是讲究方法的。有人读书一目十行,有人读书精雕细琢,其实读书有法,贵在得法。我在一本书上看到许多名人都有自己的读书方法, 如老舍的“印象”法,华罗庚的“厚薄”法,伟大的科学家爱因斯坦的“总、分、合”三步读书法,还有朱熹创建的“朱子读书法”等。其中,“朱子读书法”有六条,即循序渐进、熟读精思、虚心涵泳、切己体察、着紧用力、居敬持志。朱子读书法对于今天的人们仍是值得借鉴的,我就从其中学到了不少的读书经验和方法。 其实,我也有自己简单的读书法:读书不应该挑挑拣拣,只要对自己有益的书就应该多读;读书应该认真仔细,不能囫囵吞枣,当然精读、泛读要相结合;读书也要反复地思考,认真记笔记,一点一滴地积累知识。 在生活中,我和同学们谈天说地,讲埃及金字塔,印度的古文明,中国的国防力量日益强大,还有一些稀奇古怪的故事:为什么夏天要预防中暑?为什么水能灭火?……这些都是我从书中得到的。期末考试时,我把从书中学到的知识灵活地运用到自己的考卷上,让我得到了让我满意的成绩。 我把书当成形影不离的好朋友,当成了不可缺少的精神食粮。在书中我似乎真的找到了黄金屋!阅读让我的生活更精彩了。 我是来赚积分的。我是一个爱读书的孩子,往往一看到书,就会迫不及待地捧起书来看。看书成了我的习惯,不管是饭后、睡前,还是走路、上厕所,只要有一丁点儿时间,我都要见缝插针读上几页。为这,爸爸、妈妈多次批评我,说我成“书呆子”了。 阅读是讲究方法的。有人读书一目十行,有人读书精雕细琢,其实读书有法,贵在得法。我在一本书上看到许多名人都有自己的读书方法, 如老舍的“印象”法,华罗庚的“厚薄”法,伟大的科学家爱因斯坦的“总、分、合”三步读书法,还有朱熹创建的“朱子读书法”等。其中,“朱子读书法”有六条,即循序渐进、熟读精思、虚心涵泳、切己体察、着紧用力、居敬持志。朱子读书法对于今天的人们仍是值得借鉴的,我就从其中学到了不少的读书经验和方法。 其实,我也有自己简单的读书法:读书不应该挑挑拣拣,只要对自己有益的书就应该多读;读书应该认真仔细,不能囫囵吞枣,当然精读、泛读要相结合;读书也要反复地思考,认真记笔记,一点一滴地积累知识。 在生活中,我和同学们谈天说地,讲埃及金字塔,印度的古文明,中国的国防力量日益强大,还有一些稀奇古怪的故事:为什么夏天要预防中暑?为什么水能灭火?……这些都是我从书中得到的。期末考试时,我把从书中学到的知识灵活地运用到自己的考卷上,让我得到了让我满意的成绩。 我把书当成形影不离的好朋友,当成了不可缺少的精神食粮。在书中我似乎真的找到了黄金屋!阅读让我的生活更精彩了。
The House that Jack Built [精装] [3岁及以上] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载