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Stephen A. Schwarzman is Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone, one of the world’s leading investment firms. Mr. Schwarzman is an active philanthropist with a history of supporting education, culture, and the arts, among other areas. Mr. Schwarzman holds a BA from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He lives in New York City with his wife and three dogs.
From Blackstone chairman, CEO, and co-founder Stephen A. Schwarzman, a long-awaited book that uses impactful episodes from Schwarzman's life to show readers how to build, transform, and lead thriving organizations. Whether you are a student, entrepreneur, philanthropist, executive, or simply someone looking for ways to maximize your potential, the same lessons apply.
##由於新冠疫情的意外衝擊,2020年4月,在中文版自傳上市的時候,美國巨賈蘇世民(Stephen A. Schwarzman)無法親自來華發布,退而求其次,選擇瞭綫上的形式。 作為私募黑石集團的聯閤創始人,蘇世民一生可謂大風大浪,波瀾壯闊,他在商業領域取得巨大成功,又把自己的纔智和資源...
評分 評分 評分##Was initially attracted by the idea of building an AI institution in Yale and humanity one which studys moral impact of AI in Oxford. Very interesting with the 1st&2nd parts but the subprime mortgage crisis part is unbearably long and boring. Whole piece is fairly good and no worry any difficult financial words.
評分##黑石基金創始人的迴憶錄 一個耶魯體育特長生的逆襲 第一頁的一句話 完成一件大事的精力步驟和完成一件小事差不多 所以要乾就要乾一?大的就知道此人境界不同 一個猶太中産齣身靠著百米接力美國第四的成績進瞭耶魯 然後參加各種兄弟會 最後畢業之際就能到同學的爺爺 肯尼迪傢族傢裏谘詢就業機會 想失敗也難 不過作為迴憶錄 大佬的第一桶金如何36歲就當上雷曼全球部門總裁卻語焉不詳 揭露瞭花街的各種黑 感覺大佬上位也是不可能白 最後幾章有點自我吹噓之嫌 跳過即可
What It Takes pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載