A story of a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe and his son, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father's story and history itself.
The Pulitzer prize winning author of "Maus" and "Maus II", Art Spiegelman was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and grew up in Rego Park, New York. He is also the co-founder/editor of RAW, the acclaimed magazine of avant-garde comix and graphics and the illustrator of the lost classic "The Wild Party" by Joseph Moncure March. Spiegelman's work has been published in more than sixteen languages and has appeared in "The New York Times, Village Voice, " and "Playboy", among others. He has been a contributing editor and cover artist for "The New Yorker" since 1992.
Spiegelman attended the High School of Art and Design in New York City and SUNY Binghamton and received an honorary doctorate of letters from SUNY Binghamton in 1995. He began working for the Topps Gum Company in 1966, as association that lasted over twenty years. There he created novelty cards, stickers and candy products, including Garbage Candy, Wacky Packages and Garbage Pail Kids. He began producing underground comix in 1966, and in 1971 moved to San Francisco, where he lived until 1975.
His work began appearing in such publications as "East Village Other, Bijou" and "Young Lust Comix". In 1975-76, he, along with Bill Griffith, founded "Arcade, The Comic Revue". His book, "Breakdowns", an anthology of his comics, was published in 1977.
Spiegelman moved back to New York City in 1975, and began doing drawing and comix for "The New York Times, Village Voice" and others. He became an instructor at The School of Visiual Arts from 1979-1987. In 1980, Spiegelman and his wife, Francoise Mouly, started the magazine RAW, which has over the years changed the public's perception of comics as an art form. It was in RAW that "Maus" was first serialized. In 1986, Pantheon Books published the first half of "Maus" and followed with "Maus II" in 1991. In 1994 he designed and illustrated the lost Prohibition Era classic by Joseph Moncure March, "The Wild Party". In 1997, Spiegelman's first book for children, "Open Me ... I'm a Dog" was published by HarperCollins.
Art Spiegelman has received The National Book Critics Circle nomination in both 1986 and 1991, the Guggenheim fellowship in 1990, and a special Pulitzer Prize in 1992. His art has been shown in museums and gallery shows in the United States and abroad, including a 1991 show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
He and his wife, Francoise Mouly, live in lower Manhattan with their two children, Nadja and Dashiell.
"Maus is a book that cannot be put down, truly, even to sleep. When two of the mice speak of love, you are moved, when they suffer, you weep. Slowly through this little tale comprised of suffering, humor and life's daily trials, you are captivated by the language of an old Eastern European family, and drawn into the gentle and mesmerizing rhythm, and when you finish Maus, you are unhappy to have left that magical world."--Umberto Eco
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含笑道:“啊……是的,我是第一次到大都来!” 皮文星点了点头,含笑道:“骆兄可在舍下多住几天,由小弟陪同,把附近这一带的名胜游览一下。” 江元含笑称谢,说道:“我的确正要打扰。” 二人正说之际,突听一个苍老的口音,远远传来,说道:“这么晚了,怎么还有客呢?” 江元一阵热血沸腾,谋害他师父的仇人,就要出现了,江元却变得紧张起来。 皮文星站起来,笑着道:“我爹回来了。” 皮文星说着迎了出去。 江元独坐房中,心中怒涛澎湃,怎么也抑制不住。 花蝶梦苍老的影子,又出现在他的周围。 那个性情古怪的花婆,在生时控制着江元的一切——包括他的思想,就是她死了,冥冥中仍左右着江元。 江元在极力的压着激动的心,身边皮鲁秋的声音由远而近。 “姓骆的?我不认识呀!” 说着已进入,江元只见面前站着一个矮胖的老人,年约六旬,红通通的一张脸,双目如炬
Finally, the reviewer in question inelegantly raises a point of some merit, though it is one that is only tangentially related to Spiegelman's work. The Polish people did, in fact, suffer horribly at the hands of both Nazis and Soviets alike....