作 者:(俄)伊尔莫夫 著 著作 定 价:89 出 版 社:科学出版社 出版日期:2009年02月01日 装 帧:平装 ISBN:9787030238214 ●Contents
●Preface to the English Edition
●Chapter 1.Introduction to Phenomenological Phase Transition Theory
● 1.Fundamentals of Landau’S Thermodynamic Theory
●Elementary thermodynamic analysis
●Spontaneous symmetry
●breaking at a continuous phase transition
●The Landau condi—tion for a second.order phase transition
●Further development of Landau’S theory
● 2.Prerequisites on Space-group Representations
●Space-group irreducible representations
●Irreducible representa-tions and their decomposition
● ReferenCes
●Chapter 2.Physical Realization of the Order Parameters at a Micro scopic Level of Description
●3.Tensor Representation of the Space Group on a Basis of Localized Atomic Functions
●Constructing crystal space group reducible representations(20).
●The stabilizer method
●Constructing basis functions for star arms
Treats phase transition theory and the analysis of phase transitions in terms of both Landau theory and fluctuation theory,with particular attention given to crystals and quasicrystals.Also included is an overview of color symmetry app等
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