应用语言学论文写作指导:实证研究报告的撰写 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025



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出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛书名: 全国高等学校外语教师丛书·科研方法系列

应用语言学论文写作指导:实证研究报告的撰写 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025


应用语言学论文写作指导:实证研究报告的撰写 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025

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Chapter 1 Background
What Is the Book about?
Who Is the Book for?
Why Has the Book Been Written?
How Does the Book Meet the Content, Structure,
Linguistic and Presentational Needs of Students?
How Is the Book Organized?
What Is the Sample Masters Thesis about and
Why Has It Been Selected?
How Can This Book Be Used?
Further Reading
Chapter 2 Abstract
The Functions of a Thesis Abstract
The Content and Structure of a Thesis Abstract
Analysis of a Masters Thesis Abstract
Analysis of a Doctoral Thesis Abstract
A Key Linguistic Feature of a Thesis Abstract
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Activities
Further Reading
Chapter 3 Introduction
The Functions of a Thesis Introduction
The Content and Structure of a Thesis Introduction
Analysis of a Masters Thesis Introduction
Some Key Linguistics Features of a Thesis Introduction
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Activities
Further Reading
Chapter 4 Literature Review
The Functions of a Thesis Literature Review
The Content and Structure of a Thesis Literature Review
Conclusion of the Literature Review
Some Key Linguistic Features of Thesis Literature Reviews and
Approaches to Processing the Literature
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Activities
Further Reading
Chapter 5 Methodology
The Functions of a Thesis Methodology Chapter
The Content and Structure of a Thesis Methodology Chapter
Sample Analysis of WTC Thesis Methodology Chapter
Some Key Linguistic Features of a Thesis Methodology Chapter
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Activities
Further Reading
Chapter 6 Results
The Functions of a Thesis Results Chapter
The Content and Structure of a Thesis Results Chapter
Sample Analysis of a Masters Thesis Results Chapter
Quantitative Results
Some Key Linguistic and Presentation Features of a Thesis
Results Chapter
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Activities
Further Reading
Chapter 7 Discussion of Results
The Functions of a Thesis Discussion of Results
The Content and Structure of a Thesis Discussion of Results
Sample Analysis of a Masters Thesis Discussion of Results
Some Key Linguistic Features of a Thesis Discussion of Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Activities
Further Reading
Chapter 8 Conclusion
The Functions of a Thesis Conclusion
The Content and Structure of a Thesis Conclusion
Sample Analysis of a Masters Thesis Conclusion
Some Key Linguistic Features of a Thesis Conclusion
Frequently Asked Questions
Further Activities
Further Reading


  Sinularities between the Two Abstracts
  As well as providing an abstract of similar length to that of the first abstract, I think you can see here that there are other similarities between the two abstracts. Both include the same five moves. Broadly speaking, the strategies employed in the creation of these moves are similar even though some differences are evident.
  Differences between the Two Abstracts
  Moves within a Sentence
  The first difference between the abstracts concerns the inclusion of more than one move within.a single sentence. This pattern characterizes a number of sentences in the first abstract but it does not occur at all in the second abstract. While links between moves are clearly and explicitly signaled when two moves appear within a single sentence, it does not necessarily mean that links are not made when this does not occur. Sentential links can be clearly and explicitly made between moves by other cohesive means. In comparing only one Masters and one Doctoral thesis, we could easily assume that these are differences that reflect the two types of thesis. However, this is not the case. It is rather a difference in individual style and preference. Any thesis needs to establish links between moves and between sentential propositions. The extent to which one approach is adopted more than another may be a feature of particular disciplines but generally it is the result of the writer's communicative style.
  Secondly, the Introduction move is slightly longer in the second abstract than it is in the first. This may have occurred because the author wanted to explain not only the context and importance of the topic in some detail and the need for further research in the area but also what is meant by the key term 'incidental focus on form'. The importance of defining and backgrounding this particular approach to form-focused instruction in some detail arises from the confusion that could result for those not familiar with different approaches to form-focused instruction. For example, the second language acquisition literature makes a significant distinction between two types of form-focused instructions but the difference is only signaled by a change in the use of one letter - either a capital 'S' (focus on formS) or a lower case 's' (focus on forms).
  Additionally, the second abstract seems to emphasize the limited amount of empirical research on the effectiveness of incidental focus on form, whereas this focus is less explicit in the first abstract. Again, the difference is not really one that distinguishes a Masters from a Doctoral thesis. Rather, it should be seen as a difference between the focus that two authors wish to provide or between two areas of investigation where the background of one needs more explanation than that of the other.
  A third difference is revealed in the more extensive statement of purpose provided in the first one. Whereas the second abstract referred to three purposes or aims within a single sentence, the first abstract identified each purpose or aim across four sentences and, in doing so, provided us with a more comprehensive and perhaps clearer understanding of the various aims of the study. The three key words in the purpose statement of the second abstract ('occurrence', 'nature' and 'effectiveness') become clear as we consider the Method and Product moves later in the abstract. It is possible that the author of the second abstract may have assumed that we would be more familiar with this field of investigation so confined himself to a single sentence.
  Fourthly, while similar detail on the methodology of each study is presented in the two abstracts, the second abstract devotes only four sentences to it, compared with the seven sentences provided in the first abstract. It is possible that fewer design features were specified by this author because of the single data source. By comparison, data for the first study, outlined in the first abstract, were sourced in several ways and these needed to be outlined in the abstract so that we would know how reliable and valid the findings of the study are. The approach to data analysis is not outlined in the first abstract but is described in detail in the methodology chapter of the thesis. It is likely that the author chose to refer to how the data were analyzed because of the relative novelty of the approach.
  The Purpose move of the second abstract, in sentence 4, revealed the following two primary foei of the research: (1) the occurrence and nature of incidental focus on form and (2) its effectiveness in promoting second language learning. The Product move is therefore presented in two parts as follows: (1) sentences 9-14 outline the first key finding and its associated findings and (2) sentences 15-16 refer to the second key finding. Compared with the Product move of the first abstract, similar detail on the findings of the second study is presented in the Product move of the second abstract.
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