国外数学名著系列(影印版)34:代数几何2 代数簇的上同调,代数曲面 [Algebraic Geometry II Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties.Algebrai pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
《国外数学名著系列(影印版)34:代数几何2 代数簇的上同调,代数曲面》由两部分构成,前半部分着重介绍代数簇的上同调,后半部分讨论代数曲面。《国外数学名著系列(影印版)34:代数几何2 代数簇的上同调,代数曲面》还包含涉及不同主题的大量例子和见解。作者均为该领域的著名专家,他们尽其所能地严谨而系统地阐述了这些论题。
《国外数学名著系列(影印版)34:代数几何2 代数簇的上同调,代数曲面》对研究代数几何及算术代数的数学家和研究生都将大有裨益。
Chapter1.Homological Machinery
1.Origins of Homological Concepts
1.1 the Idea of Homology
1.2 Homology of Triangulated Spaces
1.3 Singular Homology
1.4 Cohomology
1.5 Sheaves
1.6 Cohomology of Shaves
1.7 Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves
1.8 Cohomology of Etale Sheaves
2 Complexes
2.1 Exact Sequences
2.2 Complexes
2.3 A Long Exact Sequence
2.4 Filtred Complexes
2.5 Spectral Sequences
2.6 Bicomplexes
2.7 Mapping Cone
2.8 Products
3.1 Presheaves
3.2 Sheaves
3.3 Direct and Inverse Images of Sheaves
3.4 Abelian Sheaves
3.5 Flabby Sheaves
4.Cohomology of Sheaves
4.1 Construction of Cohomology
4.2 Hypercohomology
4.3 Higher Direct Images
4.4 Cohomology of a Covering
4.5 The Acyclicity Criterion for Coverings
Chapter2.Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves
1.Cohomology of Quasi-Coherint Sheaves
2.Cohomology of Projective Space
3.Cohomology of Proper Morphisms
4.The Riemann-Roch Theorem
6.The de Rham Cohology
Chapter3.Cohomology of Complex Varieties
1.Complex Varieties as Topological Spaces
2.Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves
3.Weights in Cohomology
4.Algebraic Approach to Classical Topolpgy
Chapter4.Etale Cohomology
1.The Weil Conjectures
2.Algebraic Fundamental Group
3.Etale Topology
4.Cohomology of Etale Sheaves
5.Cohomology of Algebraic Curves
6.Fundamental Theorems
7.l-Adic Cohomology
8.Deligne's Theorem
国外数学名著系列(影印版)34:代数几何2 代数簇的上同调,代数曲面 [Algebraic Geometry II Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties.Algebrai 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt
国外数学名著系列(影印版)34:代数几何2 代数簇的上同调,代数曲面 [Algebraic Geometry II Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties.Algebrai pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载