中藥藥理學(英文版 供中藥學、藥學專業用)/全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材 [National "Thirteeth Five-Year-Plan" Innovative Textbooks pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025


中藥藥理學(英文版 供中藥學、藥學專業用)/全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材 [National "Thirteeth Five-Year-Plan" Innovative Textbooks

陳長勛,汪選斌,聶紅 編


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齣版社: 中國中醫藥齣版社
叢書名: 全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材
外文名稱:National "Thirteeth Five-Year-Plan" Innovative Textbooks for Higher Education in Chinese Medi

中藥藥理學(英文版 供中藥學、藥學專業用)/全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材 [National "Thirteeth Five-Year-Plan" Innovative Textbooks epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025


中藥藥理學(英文版 供中藥學、藥學專業用)/全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材 [National "Thirteeth Five-Year-Plan" Innovative Textbooks epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

中藥藥理學(英文版 供中藥學、藥學專業用)/全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材 [National "Thirteeth Five-Year-Plan" Innovative Textbooks pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載



  《中藥藥理學(英文版 供中藥學、藥學專業用)/全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材》以英語介紹中藥藥理學知識,精選*為成熟的中西醫理論闡明常用的不同類彆中藥的作用、作用機製、臨床應用以及不良反應,填補瞭中藥藥理學英文版教材的空白。



Part I Pandect
Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.What iS Chinese Materia Medica?
2.What is Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica?
Chapter 2 The Basic Actions of Chinese Materia Medica
1.Reinforcing healthy ai and expelling pathogenic factors(扶正祛邪)
2.Balancing Y/n and Yang(調節陰陽平衡)
Chapter 3 Modern Research on the Characteristics of Chinese Materia MediCa
1.The four natures
2.The five flavors
3.The foar directions
4.The meridian tropism(歸經)
5.The toxicity
Chapter 4 Factors that Influence the Effects of Chinese Materia Medica
Section 1 PharmaceuticaI Factors
1.Medicinal materials
2.Processing of Chinese materia medica
4.Boiling method
6.Combination of Chinese materia medica and contraindication
Section 2 Body Factors
1.Physiological state
2.Pathological state
3.Intestinal microorganisms
Section 3Environmental Factors
2.Circadian rhythm
3.Medical conditions

Part IISpecific Discussions
Chapter 5 Exterior-Releasing Medicines(解錶藥)
Section 1Introduction
Section 2 Commonly Used Medicines
Ma huang(麻黃Ephedrae Herba ephedra herb)
Gui zhi(桂枝Cinnamomi Ramulus cassia twig)
Chai hu(柴鬍Bupleuri Radix Chinese thorowax)
Ge gen(葛根Puerariae lobatae Radix pueraria root)
Chapter 6 Heat Clearing Medicines(清熱藥)
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Commonly Used Medicines
Huang lian(黃連Coptidis Rh&oma; coptis chinensis)
Huang qin(黃芩Scutellariae Radix baical skullcap root)
Ku shen(苦參Sophorae Flavesentis Radix sophora flavescens)
Yu xing cao(魚腥草Houttuyniae Herba heartleaf houttuynia herb)
Zhi zi(梔子Gardeniae Fructus capejasmine fruit)
Zhi mu(知母Anemarrhenae Rhizomacommon anemarrhena rhizome)
Xia ku cao(夏枯草Prunellae Spica selfheal)
Qing hao(青蒿Artemisiae Annuae Herba sweet wormwood herb)
Chapter 7 Medicines that Drain Downwards(瀉下藥)
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Commonly Used Medicines
Dd hufng(大黃Rhei Radix et Rhizoma rhubarb root and rhizome)
Fdn xie ye(番瀉葉Sennae Folium senna leaf)
Gan sui(甘遂Kansui Radix gansui root)
Chapter 8 Medicines that Expel Wind and Damp(祛風濕藥)
Chapter 9 Damp-Resolving Medicines(化濕藥)
Chapter 10 Damp-Draining Medicines(利水滲濕藥)
Chapter 11 Medicines that Warm the Interior(溫裏藥)
Chapter 12 Qi-Regulating Medicines(理氣藥)
Chapter 13 Digestant Medicines(消食藥)
Chapter 14 Medicines that Stop Bleeding(止血藥)
Chapter 15 Blood Invigorating and Stasis Resolving Medicines(活血化瘀藥)
Chapter 16 Expectorants,Anfitussives and Antiasthmatics(化痰止咳平喘藥)
Chapter 17 Medicines that Quiet the Spirit(安神藥)
Chapter 18 Liver-Pacifying and Wind-Extinguishing Medicines(平肝息風藥)
Chapter 19 Resuscitative Medicines(開竅藥)
Chapter 20 Tonics(補虛藥)
Chapter 21 Astringent Medicines(收澀藥)

Part III Appendix
Appendix 1 Traditional Chinese Medicines Mentioned in this Textbook
Appendix 2 Frequently Used Abbreviations


  Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica is a relative new scientific discipline, which studies and clarifies how traditional Chinese materia medica works on the body by using modern scientific approaches.
  Over the past few decades, more 'and more overseas students come to China to study traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy. On the other hand, an increasing number of native students plan to engage in international collaborative research after graduation. In order to foster the ability of the native students to communicate in English while studying medicine and pharmacy knowledge, and to meet the demands of overseas students for their study of traditional Chinese medicine, it needs a series of English teaching materials.
  Here, we provide a comprehensive textbook on Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica for the first time. It can be used by international students for the undergraduate study and by native students for the special training purposes while studying medicine and pharmacy knowledge.
  This textbook consists of three sections: pandect, specific discussion and appendix. The pandect, which contains 4 chapters, introduces basic knowledge of Pharmacology of Chinese Materia Medica. The specific discussion part consists of 17 chapters. In this part, each chapter begins with the general introduction of a category of Chinese materia medica, followed by discussion of commonly used Chinese medicines individually. In this textbook, all mentioned medicinal herbs are given Chinese pinyin names according to Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of China, and marked with the tones. In each chapter, all the names of the Chinese medicines when firstly appeared are annotated with Chinese name, Latin name and popular English name so as to avoid any confusion. For each kind of materia medica, a brief introduction about its sources, major chemical constituents, traditional properties and efficacies is provided. Pharmacological effects are the key part and discussed in detail then. The kinetic parameters of the representative active components are briefly reviewed; however, it is not necessary given for each medicinal herb. In the part of the applications, diseases that are suitably treated by the discussed herb are described. The clinical applications of modern preparations of the medicinal herb and its effective components are introduced, only when they are approved by the State Food and Drug Administration. In the part of adverse reactions, the toxic reactions and side effects that may occur in clinic are described. The toxic reactions in animal experiments are presented in the paragraph of safety evaluation, but not necessary for each kind of materia medica. The appendix contains 2 items: ① names of traditional Chinese medicines mentioned in this textbook; ②frequently used abbreviations.
  This textbook is completed by the editorial board. All the board members are professors or experts engaged in teaching and research in the professional field. However, it is a challenge for us to edit a textbook in English. Although we have done our best, some problems may still exist.
  We sincerely welcome and greatly encourage all valuable opinions and suggestions from experts and readers in order to revise and improve the textbook in the future.
中藥藥理學(英文版 供中藥學、藥學專業用)/全國中醫藥行業高等教育“十三五”創新教材 [National "Thirteeth Five-Year-Plan" Innovative Textbooks 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書

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