當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫:第二語言學習與教學(第4版)(第3輯) [Second Language Learning and Language Teaching] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Note to teachers
Background .to second language acquisition research and language teaching
1.1 The scope of this book
1.2 Common assumptions of language teaching
1.3 What is second language acquisition research?
1.4 What a teacher can expect from SLA research
1.5 Some background ideas of SLA research
Discussion topics
Further reading
Glosses on language teaching methods
2 Learning and teaching different types of grammar
2.1 What is grammar?
2.2 Structure words, morphemes and sequences of acquisition
2.3 The processability model
2.4 Principles and parameters grammar
2.5 L2 learning of grammar and L2 teaching
2.6 The role of explicit grammar in language teaching
Discussion topics
Further reading
Some grammatical terms
3 Learning and teaching vocabulary
3.1 Word frequency
3.2 Knowledge of words
3.3 One word-store or two in the L2 user's mind?
3.4 Types of meaning
3.5 Strategies for understanding and learning vocabulary
3.6 Vocabulary and teaching
Discussion topics
Further reading
Answers to Box 3.1
4 Acquiring and teaching pronunciation
4.1 Phonemes and second language acquisition
4.2 Learning syllable structure
4.3 General ideas about phonology learning
4.4 Choosing a model for teaching pronunciation
4.5 Learning and teaching pronunciation
4.6 Learning and teaching intonation
Discussion topics
Further reading
5 Acquiring and teaching a new writing system
5.1 Writing systems
5.2 Spelling
5.3 Punctuation
5.4 The writing system and language teaching
Discussion topics
Further reading
Answer to Box 5.1
Answer to Box 5.8
6 Strategies for communicating and learning
6.1 Communication strategies
6.2 Learning strategies: how do learners vary in their
approaches to L2 learning?
Discussion topics
Further reading
Answers to Box 6.1
7 Listening and reading processes
7.1 Meaning and reading
7.2 Listening processes
Discussion topics
Further reading
8 Individual differences in L2 users and L2 learners
9 ClassroOm interaction and Conversation Analysis
10 The L2 user and the native speaker
11 The goals of language teaching
12 General models of L2 learning
13 Second language learning and language teaching styles
List of coursebooks mentioned
Teaching methods usually incorporate a view of L2 learning, whether implicitlyor explicitly. Grammar-translation teaching, for example, emphasizes explana-tions of grammatical points because this fits in with its view that L2 learning is theacquisition of conscious knowledge. Communicative teaching methods requirethe students to talk to each other because they see L2 learning as growing out ofthe give-and-take of communication. For the most part, teaching methods havedeveloped these ideas of learning independently from SLA research. They are notbased, for example, on research into how learners use grammatical explanationsor how they learn by talking to each other. More information about how learnersactually learn helps the teacher to make any method more effective and can putthe teacher's hunches on a firmer basis.
當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫:第二語言學習與教學(第4版)(第3輯) [Second Language Learning and Language Teaching] 下載 mobi epub pdf txt 電子書
簽售 2013年12月14日,張嘉佳赴蓉簽售也足見他的高人氣,據西西弗書店 工作人員謝小姐介紹,當天的簽售從下午2點開始一直持續到晚上近10點,簽售完已近商場打烊,粗略統計,當日共簽齣7000多本書。《從你的全世界路過》責編包包說,“有市場的需要就會産生這種符閤大傢心理的作品,這批人很多都是從網絡上先紅起來的,在網絡上就有一定的受眾,等成書後,受眾就會像雪球一樣越滾越多。”包包認為,張嘉佳的文字篇幅不長,符閤快節奏的需求,網友集中看完後很容易找到感動的點並轉發,“張嘉佳是編劇,知道從開頭到結尾要設置幾個高潮,布置什麼技巧,他也用比較真誠的方式在寫,寫的都是我們周圍發生的事。”而比起傳統的嚴肅文學作傢,非傳統意義的作者與讀者的互動意識很強。[2] 6名人點評 作傢身份被讀者熟知之前,張嘉佳的職業是編劇——他曾以電影《刀見笑》編劇身份獲得金馬奬最佳改編劇本提名。“睡前故事”不僅在微博上受到讀者追捧,也受到多傢影視公司的關注。王傢衛導演在看完書後戲稱張嘉佳“寫的不是33個故事,而是33個電影劇本大綱”。但張嘉佳並沒有被“當紅作傢”光環衝昏,他說自己始終隻是一個“寫字的人”。[3] 7媒體評論 《揚子晚報》:張嘉佳“睡前故事”快講完瞭,新書命名《從你的全世界路過》話說前晚“齣瞭點兒事”,讓我和我的小夥伴們都睡不著瞭!什麼事嚴重到令如此多人失眠?因為張嘉佳沒講“睡前故事”!有人數羊纔能入睡,同理還有人數牛數星星之類的,最近不少網友變成數完管春、鬍言、幺雞等這些名字纔能去睡覺。這些名字都是作傢張嘉佳筆下的“睡前故事”裏的人物,而他的單篇睡前故事誇張到被轉發瞭六位數次,六位數啊!不過一韆零一夜也有講完的一天,張嘉佳接受本報記者獨傢采訪時透露“睡前故事”已近尾聲,還有兩三篇就要結束瞭,小夥伴們做好準備重新開始數羊吧!說好的睡前故事呢?沒故事怎麼睡覺!算起來大概從兩個多月前吧,南京作傢張嘉佳開始在微博上發“睡前故事”,故事裏有癡情的管春、癡情的駱駝、癡情的毛毛、癡情的鬍言、癡情的幺雞……其實張嘉佳的筆下還有不少關於遠方關於心情等主題的睡前故事,但也許是生活裏的我們太缺愛,一般引起拍大腿式共鳴和井噴式轉發的都是愛情故事,其中鬍言和管春等幾篇轉發量都達到瞭六位數。張嘉佳的故事裏都有一些不太傷大雅的粗話,還時不時齣現鼓樓新街口正洪街等熟悉的南京地名,還有一些讓人忍不住一把鼻涕一把淚的都市癡男戀女……每個故事裏都有悲劇,但裏麵的小人物都是善良的,感情都是真愛的。就是這些真實的、溫暖的、毫不矯情的正能量感動瞭網友,大傢紛紛守在微博上每晚睡前等著看故事。前晚,張嘉佳在微博上“匯報”自己原本預訂的航班取消瞭,並講瞭自己改簽機票的一個段子,也因此“睡前故事”時間都耗在飛機上瞭。於是網友一直守候到淩晨紛紛留言:“這個點是要講睡前故事嗎”“今晚沒有睡前故事,睡不著”“我很難受,如果能看見你的睡前故事,大概會好一點”“故事呢!沒故事怎麼睡覺!差評!”“說好的故事呢”“由於沒有你的睡前故事導緻現在失眠”“今天沒有睡前故事不幸福”“周末瞭,可以晚睡,等你的睡前故事吧,等不到的話我給你講一個”……
當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫:第二語言學習與教學(第4版)(第3輯) [Second Language Learning and Language Teaching] pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載